04. First Day Part 1

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After Error404 got his keys to his new place, he looked at the keychain it was attached to, and found a tag with the address on it. With little expectations, Error404 began searching for his new home. He didn't have a phone though, which made his search somewhat difficult. After some time of having no idea where to go, Error404 grew irritated and went back to Nezu. "Back so soon Error404", Nezu questioned. "Listen, I appreciate the new home and all, but I have no fucking idea where the hell it is. I've been looking for it for 15 minutes and found nothing", Error404 said. Nezu, who quickly apologized, took out his phone and pulled up Google Maps and showed Error404 where it was. Error404 thanked Nezu, but was interrupted soon afterwards. "Error404, you do not have a phone do you? Well, I can pay one for you if you wish", Nezu said. "I'm quite alright, I don't need any reason to have a phone. I was just lost. Just give me time and I'll know this place like the multiverse I came from", Error404 said. Nezu and Error404 said goodbye to each other once again, and this time showing where his house was, Error404 teleported there instantly.

He was caught by huge surprise. This was no ordinary house. This is one of those super expensive houses. Error404 did feel honor to live here now. The house was huge. From the outside, it had three floors, a large balcony at the front and back, a massive backyard with a pool and hot tub, and so much more. So much in fact, that Error404 thought it was too much for him, but he doesn't care anyways. He took out his keys, and teleported inside the door. He doesn't need to use them. After some time looking at his new house, Error404 didn't know what to say. He was speechless at the sheer size of it. In just under 30 minutes, Error404 had brought everything from his hotel room into his house and brought in tons of furniture and highly advanced technology. He even has some gaming consoles, and although he almost never plays video games, he wants to be entertained in some way if he's gonna stay here with no where to go. Besides, he might like it. Error404 thought to himself how nice it was of Nezu to give him a place like this despite knowing little about him for not even a full day. He didn't care anyways, and began to get used to his new home. He's gonna like it here, trust me.

It was now next week. The last school week went by as a normal school week. Error404 had not been heard of or seen at all the whole week, but a small group of six students in Aizawas class kept on talking about him since he couldn't get out of their heads. Aizawa did mention that a transfer student would be coming in next week, which all of the students got excited for to greet their new classmate. Some asked Aizawa how they got in, and he said a reason for which he can't explain at the moment, which disappointed some of the students. That small group however, knew without a doubt that this transfer student would be none other than Error404.

It was now Monday. Back in Error404's house, he set an alarm so he could get ready for school. It sounds very strange, doesn't it. A powerful god of the multiverse, going to a school with high school teenagers. Error404 got up and yawned and grew irritated and grumpy. He angrily walked down the stairs to the kitchen to make himself cereal. He took out a box of Cookie Crisp and poured it into a bowl. Cookie Crisp is Error404's favorite cereal because it's cookies. Enough said. He poured the milk in soon afterwards and began eating fast. He kept mumbling to himself how stupid it was and said under his breath "School, give me a break. I'm the fucking god of the multiverse."

As he finished eating, he got back to his room, brushed his teeth that are still blue and forever will be blue, and put on his usual clothing. His blue robe, white shirt, white pants, and his white and blue slippers. He also had to clean his hair, since it was all messy. Error404 had to get used to this, since he obviously never had hair ever before, which he found annoying very quickly. He gave up and just went with his messy morning hair cause he could give less of a shit. When he was done, he teleported to school. He was early, as it was 7:50am.

Still tired, Error404 didn't feel like walking all the way to class, so he just decided to teleport there. As he arrived in the hallway where the classroom was, he heard a faint voice. He looked over and saw Nezu walking towards him. Error404 said hi to Nezu, for which he said "Nice to see you here Error404. I'm glad you made it and I'm super excited to have you here. There's just one problem though". Error404 let out a deep sigh and facepalmed, saying "What the hell is it". "Your clothes. If you look around, everyone is wearing the same uniform. Since you're a student here now, you're gonna have to wear it as well. I'm sorry, but it's the rules", Nezu explained to Error404. He quickly noticed the irritation in Error404's eyes, and started to sweat. However, Error404 decided to go with it, and asked him where he could get a uniform.

Unwanted Glitch (404 x My Hero Academia) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now