05. First Day Part 2

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Class 1-A proceeded to go to the same arena where they did combat training with All Might. As they were walking there with Aizawa by their side, some students walked up next to Error404. Since they left 5 minutes before the bell rang, no other students were in sight. This choice by Aizawa was most likely to keep Error404's existence a secret. He was so tall and looked out of place being in the class with his tough look and calm, yet intimidating presence.

The class had made their way to the arena right on time, as the bell just rang right after they arrived. Aizawa said it was a close call, and decided they should leave 10 minutes early rather than 5 minutes. Some students were heard sighing in relief. Everything quickly went silent though as Aizawa and All Might made their way in front of the class.

"Now then, since Error404 has joined us for the time being, what's a better way to introduce himself than in the face of battle! We've heard how powerful you are, and this will be your first assignment. Now, considering how powerful you claim to be, every student will be facing you all simultaneously! If you manage to defeat them all, then you and me will have a good one on one brawl! Does everyone understand!", All Might yelled out, cracking his knuckles.

The class all yelled back "Yes sir!" with only Error404 remaining silent as his arms are crossed. He didn't seem intimidated by anyone, and had a look of disappointment plastered across his face. He didn't want to fight these kids, not only because he's far out of their league by the billions, but also because he saw no use of showing off his power and viewed it as no more than a nuisance.

"404, you got that?", Aizawa questioned.

He simply nodded after taking a deep breath and letting out a noticeable sigh. All Might lead them all to the battle arena, which is made to represent the city. Error404 stood on one side, while all the other students stood on the other. The objective was simple; whoever gets knocked out first, loses. They have to knock Error404 out, and he has to knock all the students out. Of course, there was medical staff around the area in case anything went upside down.

As Error404 and the students were standing around in the city, waiting for All Might to call in the other room, all the other pro-heroes entered to see this battle go down.

"What are you all doing here, you have classes to teach. They're probably wondering where you're at right now", Aizawa said, keeping his exhausted gaze on the other heroes.

"Oh, we just told them we had an emergency meeting to go to and they could do whatever they want while we're away. The period just started anyways so it doesn't matter much as long as they're doing the work we told them to do", Midnight said.

"Yeah, and plus, we're anticipating this match. If what Error404 said about his power is so all mighty and powerful, then what a better way to prove it than watching it ourselves", Kamui Woods said.

"How did you all even know about this fight. I thought we kept it to ourselves", All Might interrupted.

"I saw them walk out of the classroom and heard about it. I alerted everyone so we can watch this fight and it better not disappoint", Endeavor said as he walked through the door with a serious posture.

"Alright then. Just take a seat and watch a bunch of teenagers get beaten up by a multiversal god", Aizawa said whilst slouching in his chair a little bit.

All the teachers got a close view from the front window, not taking any risks or chances to miss this fight and see what Error404 is truly capable of...

---Error404's POV---

I should take it easy on these children. If I use even a little fraction of my power, these kids would be completely annihilated before they could even think. I am certain of victory, but I will still take this fight as seriously as any other battle I have been in, but also hold back greatly as to not accidentally kill someone just by punching them a little too hard. Best not to end the fight in seconds, cause I'm curious as to what these kids can do, even if it's miniscule. No matter, All Might is about to start the battle, time to shut up and get started.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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