Chapter 1

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9:37 P.M

I stared out at the open road, watching as the stoplights turn blue again.

Time is a simple construct, as long as you have a distraction. Without one, you'll see yourself staring a empty roads in frustration.

I blinked out of my thoughtless mind as the light changed to yellow. I sigh and lean my head against the concrete wall behind me. I wince suddenly as my ever-constant headache returns.

I mumble profanities under my breath as i stand and lean against the wall. I pinch the bridge of my nose while searching my pockets for something to help the pain.

I groaned as I realized I was out of medication. "Fuck me." I sighed aloud before pushing off the wall, walking into the alleyway beside me.

I kicked rocks and cans as I passed them, moving quicker as my headache worsened by the second. I decided to trust my instincts and squeezed my eyes shut as my head throbbed in pain.

I knew I was nearing my destination when I smelt burning candles, peppermint to be exact. I hate that smell. I scowl as I open my eyes to a familiar area.

The place was littered with burnt out candles and porn magazines. I don't know how it hasn't been found yet, considering you can smell the peppermint and weed from a mile away.

I rolled my eyes in disgust before another wave of agony fell apon me. I growled at my pain before yelling out.

"Yo, weed-for-brains! Come out or I'm stealing your shit."

"Don't touch my shit, that's kinda gross."

I sneered at the voice before turning to face her. She was eh, maybe 5'11"? Brown hair. Brown eyes. Pretty basic if you ask me.

"Oh, fuck off, Kass. You know what I meant."

I jeered at her as I held my head in my hand. She laughed aloud, walking toward me despite my obvious disliking towards her.

"Oh, darling~ If you wanted me that badly, you could have just asked."
She teased as she shouldered past me and walking towards one of the many garbage bags on the ground.

"So, my dear smokey, what would you like today? A blunt, cigarettes, or a surprise?"

She crouched next the smallest bag and started going through it. I bit the inside of my cheek as I watched her in irritation.

"I told you to stop calling me that. And you already know what I want. How much for 20? That's all I got today."

She shook her head at me before answering with a sigh. "Looks like we only have one pack in today's load. So, your gonna have to preserve it." She stood up with a singular pack of cigarettes in hand. "Just give me 5, you look like shit today."

I fumble around my jacket pockets, finding my wallet and taking out a five dollar bill. Kass tossed the pack my direction, not caring if I caught it or not. Luckily enough, I did so it wasn't damaged, but the sudden movement caused my head to start pounding like a bitch.

"You're a bitch, Kass."
I groaned at her while putting my wallet away. She ignored me as she went through more bags.

"Put the money on table."

I squinted my eyes ar her before dropping money on the ground purposefully. I smirked for a second before my head decided to announce that it was dying so I turned and walked back the way I came from.

As I walked, I hurriedly unwraped the pack and took one of the cigarettes. I shoved the pack into my jacket pocket and took out the lighter I always have on me.

After clicking it a few times, I lit the cancer stick, taking long drag as I neared the street. I held it in for a little, and sighing as I blew the smoke away. I stepped out onto the street, immediately feeling the cold breeze. I shivered lightly before taking another hit.

I was about to start walking down the street but the sudden sound of police sirens behind me made me flinch instead. I quickly flicked the cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it to put it out.

I started walking down the street away from the sound of sirens, but despite every other possible outcomes, it gets closer. I maintained my speed as I tried to be as not suspicious as possible.

The sirens stopped but the lights stayed flashing as the cop car drove besides me slowly. I sighed before stopping and turning to the car. The window of the car rolled down slowly revealing an officer.

"Excuse me sir, but you wouldn't happen to be a young man named Hano Takeo, would you?"

My eyes widen in shock, confusion, and irritation. In that order. The officer, seeing my reaction, smiled at me before ordering, "Hop in the back, kid."


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