Chapter 2

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10:21 P.M.

"Thank you, officer."

I heard my aunt say to the cop before he drove off. I eyed her as she stood, waiting for the cop to fully leave eyesight.

"You're going to get me fucking arrested."
I heard her sneer as she looked over her shoulder slightly. Her stare pierced my soul, her eyes looked lifeless like this.

I shuddered as I stared back into her firey eyes. I grunted before breaking eye contact by looking at the ground infront of me.

"Get in the house, Takeo."

"Aunty, plea--"

"I said, get in the FUCKING house!"
I know she was restraining her voice so I decided to not piss her off even more.

I felt tears prick my eyes, but I continued walking up the stairs to our apartment. I felt her stare burning into my neck as I reached our apartment door. I quickly opened and shut it behind me, immediately running to my room.

I wiped my eyes as I flopped down onto my bed, letting my arm rest over my eyes as I heard the front door slam. I sighed shakily as I silently convince myself to calm down.

I sat up as I heard loud footsteps getting closer to my door. They stopped just infornt of my door, I stared at the door in suspense before hearing my aunt say:
"Take a shower. You smell like a dog shit."

I slouched a little after hearing footsteps retract into another part of the apartment. I huffed before sluggishly sliding off my bed and peeking out the door. After I convinced myself she wasn't waiting for me, I quickly got some random clothes from my small dresser and tiptoed to the bathroom.

As I entered the bathroom, I locked the door behind me before setting my clothes down on the sink. I made sure to keep my gaze away from the mirror as I removed all the things I had in my pockets. After that, I quickly stripped myself of my clothes and turned on the shower. I got in immediately, wincing at the cold water but standing in it regardless as I was too impatient to wait.

After washing for a little, I decided to get out because my fingers were starting to get pruny. I dried myself and got dressed. I was about to walk out but something in the mirror caught my eye.

I turned to the glass and frowned at what I saw. My usually messy and unbrushed hair was now wet and sticking to my head. I observed what I was wearing, though it was nothing special. Just a simple black hoodie and simple gray sweatpants.

That's all I really am. Simple.

I stared into my own light gray eyes. They remind me of the past. The reason life is the way it is for me. It wasn't too long ago that I last saw my parents. It's most definitely not my favorite memorial of them, but it is the last. My mother was screaming at me for almost getting her sent to jail. It wasn't my fault though, it was my stupid quirk's fault. It is the reason this happened.

I snapped out of my head as I heard a thud from the living room. I quickly grabbed my things from the sink, putting them into my hoodie's pocket before leaving the room.

I quietly stalked towards my room as I passed the living room. Seeing my aunt passed out while being halfway on the couch and halfway on the floor. I scoffed at her before going back to my room.

I sat down on my bed lightly before starting to put a pair of socks and shoes on. The shoes I had were a pair of 20$ running shoes, but they were one of the only shoes I had so I went with it.

I walked out of my room again, tiptoed past the living room, and reached the front door. I've done this so many times, I don't think I could count. Only reason she called the cops this time was because I was out for longer than a week. She doesn't give a shit what I do as long as I come back at least once a week.

I strutted out of the apartment complex before making my way into the nearby alleyway. If you asked me where I considered home, I would say the streets. Or the abandoned park but probably not.

I took a cigarette out of the pack that was hidden in my hoodie before lighting it and taking a few light hits. I closed my eyes while I walked as I knew this alleyway like the back of my hand. I could anticipate every corner and every piece of trash on the ground. The one thing I couldn't anticipate, was the person turning the corner.

I opened my eyes a bit too late as I collided with the person. I stumbled and almost fell back but something grabbing my hand stopping the rough transaction. I was pulled to my feet but dropped my cigarette in the process. I scowled at the second lost cigarette in a day before snapping my head to face the culprit of the encounter.

Our eyes locked as we stared at each other silently. I took in his straight black hair, tanned skin, and black eyes. The moment was cut short as he started to apologize.

"Ah, I'm sorry man. Didn't mean to bump into you like that."

He smiled awkwardly as I inspected him once again noticing that he still had my hand in his. "Ahem." I mutter, pulling my hand in the process.

"Oh! Sorry about that."

The boy let out a laugh of embarrassment as he let go of my hand. I dust my hand off on my hoodie before putting it in the front pocket.

I notice his arms have weird looking ovals at his elbows but I look away before turning away from the taller male.

I say taller but in reality he's only one inch taller then me.

"Watch where your going next time." I bark at him before quickly walking away.

I guess I'm going to the park tonight.

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