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Hello sweeties and lovelies..how are you doing? Sorry been busy the past few days so I coudn't be able to update my story. Hoping you're still with me guys😊❤️

Darren's eyes were glued at me as I went down the stairs. He stood up and reached his hand for me.
"You look perfectly beautiful baebubs", Darren complimented.
"Thank you, I responded averting my gaze from him.

I was a little shy because my brother was also there in the sala, secretly observing us with a teasing smile on his lips. I glared at him and gave him a warning gesture. Gladly, he got what I meant to say and he stopped teasing me around.

"Please take care of my sister bro", Andre said in a pleading tone of voice.
"Yes bro, I will", Darren responded with a gentle smile.
"Bye boo!", I uttered and hugged my brother.
"Bye sweetie. Enjoy the party. Take care", Andre replied and kissed my cheek.
"Enjoy also the party later boo! Take care", I responded. Then, Darren and I left the house. He pulled off the car heading to UP Diliman.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy while I was sitting beside him. He was so handsome in his navy blue long sleeve that was folded up to his elbow. It was half unbuttoned showing his white shirt underneath and tucked into his off-white jeans. Oh my God, how could this irresistible young man, happen to be my escort at the party? It was really overwhelming!
"Uhm, are you okay baebubs", Darren curiously asked when he noticed, I was silent for a while.
"I'm fine bubs. Just a little awkward because I am not used to attending parties like this", I responded with a sigh.
"It's okay baebubs, you will get used to it anyway", he uttered and turned on the car stereo.
The song "What About Love", was being played and I could hear Darren softly singing.
"Is that your favorite song bubs", I asked curiously.
"Yes, and how I wished someone would sing this song for me", he answered and smiled softly.
"Uhm, baebubs can I ask you something?", Darren spoke.

I nodded and waited for him to ask.
"Last time I heard you called me Ryle. Who is he? If you don't mind me asking", he asked taking me a quick glance then focused his eyes back to the driveway.
I was quite surprised with his question because I did not expect he would still remember it. I was silent in a moment because I am not sure whether to tell him or not.
"Uhm, I'm sorry for asking baebubs. Nevermind. I think it's too personal", he uttered and turned off the stereo since we already reached UP Diliman.

After he parked his car, he went out and opened the door for me. He held my hand and placed it around his arm as we walked towards the venue of the party.
I noticed many students were already around. Ladies, looked so sexy in their evening dresses and men looked handsome in their semi-formal attire.
When Darren and I were walking in the hallway, everyone turned their gazes at us, showing much admiration for Darren but showing a smirk at me.
I could hear someone saying,
"Why is Darren escorting her? He's supposed to be with Bridgette!"
"Is Darren dating her? Oh my gosh!", exclaimed the other.

I was a little upset from what I heard from them, but Darren held my hand as he softly said,
"It's okay baebubs".
Suddenly, I saw my groupmates waving their hands. I smiled at them as we pulled closer to their direction.
"Wow, you look so beautiful bubs!", Clarisse uttered in admiration.
"Absolutely gorgeous bubs!", everyone chorused and it made me flatter.
"Thank you guys", I responded and smiled at them.

The party began after some time of waiting. Everyone was so happy and excited when the program started. And I also feel elated knowing that Darren was with me all the time.
But life is really uncertain. We may be happy in a moment, but we cannot anticipate what will happen in the next few hours.
And this is what I experienced. I thought I would be happy the whole time especially when Darren took my hand to dance with him. My heart was filled with bliss and felicity when he placed his hands on my waist and I encircled my hands around his neck. Although the light in the dance floor was a little dim but I could still clearly see his handsome face and his eyes intently looking at me. Until I feel his lips touched mine. But that moment was gone too quick because the next thing I saw with my very own eyes, was him, dancing with Bridgette on the dance floor. I felt jealous for no reason. I know it wasn't good to feel that way so I want to divert myself to other things. When someone named, Neil Acosta approached me for a dance, without any doubt I danced with him.

I find out Neil, is taking up a medical course and he is now in his third year. He is a good-looking man and I can say based on how he groomed himself that he is coming from a wealthy family.
While we were dancing on the dance floor, my eyes were still on Darren and Bridgette. And looking at them made me upset. I averted my gaze when I feel Darren was looking at me too. Until our eyes met. His brows were furrowed and it's obvious he was not feeling good either. "Was he jealous too?", I asked myself.

My heart was thumping loudly until such thudding became painful when I saw them kissing each other. I suddenly stiffened in my stance and I feel like tears started to form in my eyes.
"Are you okay Jeyah?", Neil asked anxiously.
I did not respond because I'm afraid, I would gave in. I told him I'm not feeling well so he led me to my seat.

"Bubs, are you okay?", Clarisse asked me and held my hand. I noticed she was the only one left at the table because other groupmates were on the dance floor. I couldn't anymore hold back my tears and they rolled down freely in my cheeks. I weeped. 😭😭😭
Clarisse pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

"Ssshhh..I understand bubs. Please don't cry. It was just a misunderstanding and I'm sure Darren did not in---", Clarisse was not able to finish what she wanted to say because Darren was already there. Before he could be able to speak, I ran hurriedly heading to the ladies' room. I heard him calling my name, but I did not pay attention. I went inside the ladies' room and burst out all my emotions.

"Baebubs, please open the door", I heard Darren's voice outside.
I think it took 20 minutes before I was able to console myself.
Why I was acting like that? I'm not Darren's girlfriend. He just kissed me but it doesn't mean, he loves me. I am just his friend. And that kiss was just nothing", I insisted it mentally. After fixing myself in the mirror, I went out of the ladies' room. I saw Darren standing near the doorstep, leaning his back on the wall and crossing his arms.

"Baebubs, are you okay? I'm sorry. It was just---", Darren tried to explain but I did not let him finish his sentence.
"What are you sorry for bubs? That you kissed me? It's okay. It's nothing. And if it's about you kissing Bridgette, it's okay as well", I said casually and gave a brittle smile.
"Will you please drive me home now?", I snorted.
Darren just nodded and went back to our table. I noticed that my groupmates were already there. I told them I had to go home because I am not feeling well.

Then Darren and I pulled off the road. I pretended that I wasn't affected by what happened at the party. I tried to talk to Darren casually hiding the pain, I feel deep inside.
"Uhm, you asked me about Ryle while ago right? Well, he was my first love bubs. But he died six years ago due to an accident", I started to get emotional again.

Darren suddenly stopped the car and looked at me.
"So why did you call me Ryle that time? Do I look like him?", he asked curiously.
I nodded and smiled.
"Do you still love him", he asked again trying to read my facial expression.
"Yes bubs, I still love him. I will always love him", I responded certainly.

I looked at him and I can see sadness in his eyes. He took a long deep sigh as he started the engine and pulled the driveway.

-To be continued-

Thank you guys for reading my story. Please feel free to leave your comments or your votes. Thank you😊❤️

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