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You know what's the qualifications of Life? Life is masters in invigilation and PHd in making itself beautiful yet troublesome. And something similar happened in the lives of Shergills. A day came as a devastation in their lives and then a day that was thought to alleviate their agony turned out to be the worst-case. It changed their life to 360°, leaving them broken inside but strongest. STRANGE! Hasn't the life been much much cruel and harsh to them. Those who always lived for each other and for the country had to face something worst than a nightmare. Well! If it was just a nightmare, it would have haunted them;but unfortunately, it was the bitter reality. It didn't fade away with one blink of eyes, rather it became clearer!

After Param's supposed demise, the only ambition of Karan Shergill was to serve each breath to his country, Bhabhi and Baby. He locked himself in the tunnel of darkness, which was being surrounded with guilt and rage for the never committed mistake. The man who dreamt every night of those bullets being fired, his Bhaiya's last command and his brother getting shot, felt death was better than facing the Param who was terrorizing the country, who himself was behind his little brother's life. Life was never this cruel to him. Loosing his elder brother who was his nothing but God, was the biggest trauma until he faced the terrorist Param Shergill. Something in him fell apart into pieces. Many questions he desired to ask. Many questions to himself too. He questioned his ethics and morals he got from his brother. Were they wrong? Was he wrong till date? What would he tell his Baby? Cause that little soul believed her father fighting with enemies for his country,little did she know about him turning to the evil side. Karan, though had much to ask, but something stopped him. His duty stopped him from enquiring himself because for a soldier, self-doubt is not allowed. Keeping everything aside, he breathed again for his nation and for his people. The commando in Karan took Param, the traitor, to his deserved destination. Whereas, the brother in him gave his Bhaiya a second chance to come back stronger and do something beyond better,in a way to forgive himself.

Barkha, not only a soldier's wife but a mother too, faced this innumerable torment with a plastered smile on her face to make sure her daughter remains happy. She believed to get his brave father back, while Barkha just wished it to be true after the heartbreaking revelation. She used to feel proud to be the wife of martyred Param, but it was definitely a shame to be called as the wife of a Traitor. Him being alive would have been the most precious gift of life, if and but, Param had been the same. She is a fighter all along the journey of life. No matter how harsh it has been to her, she never sat and cried over her fate rather chose to bear and rise. For her daughter, for her borther-in-law, she remained strong. Barkha and Karan were each other's strength and Baby gave them the reason. She didn't fall weak after loosing her husband rather when she looked up to the man being a terrorist who once was ever ready to die for the country. When he stood in front of her, after the realization on the death bed, the pain, distrust, wrath was clearly visible in her eyes. How she broke down into zillions of pieces listening to the fact of her husband trying to kill her and Baby, was unimaginable. She herself didn't know whether she could forgive him for his deeds or not, but surely, she gave him a chance to start a new life!

The question arises again. How a dedicated soldier turned into the head of a terrorist organization? Was he always the same? No! He wasn't. Was he blackmailed? Absolutely not! Then what's the reason behind this. BRAINWASHED! Yes,hewas brainwashed by the terrorists who abducted him. Telling him some false theories, they ,ade their way easier by taking him by their side. Somewhere they themselves knew that what a soldier can think and execute,they could never! Param became their strongest and deadliest weapon. Hate, agony and rage rose to such an extent, that he started beating himself in order to escape drowning into emotions and fall back. He tried a lot, but at the end, he realized all his sins. But a part of him will always remain guilt ridden! Forgiving himself would be a task. He wanted to serve his country again and for that, he's ready to face all the hurdles.
Param, at the end, didn't bother to apologize because he knew that a mere SORRY was not enough for his crimes and an apology can never heal the wounds in everyone's heart. He promised to serve his nation till his last breath. Param Shergill, the elder brother was elated and very much delighted to look up to the bravest Commando in front of him,his Chote! He got the much needed support from Karan for the new beginning. Hence, getting the strength to start a new and honest life.

For a soldier, It's about the motherland. If anyone ever try to harm her, he'd stand in front taking all the necessary steps to safeguard the country.And for that,


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Hanjiiii! Likh diya! Well this is completely based on what I felt and thought during the track! Felt a certain kind of ache everytime I saw all of them suffering! So it's here! Do tell me!





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