high school love 3

529 11 2

After having a grand lunch with f4 gorya go to her next class and f4 also get busy on their schedule but thyme mind was still on gorya.
F4 don't have many subjects and they are also good in studies so if they ditch some class it not be a loss to them.

Mj; let's go to home our I am tired.
Kavin; ya today is such a tiring day my back is hurting
Ren; should I call ambulance?
Kavin; no ren it's just temporary pain no need of ambulance are you also lost your mind like thyme.

Mj; but you know all of the problem is created by thyme and his childish love.

Mj; I have a headache too

Ren; but thyme is looking fine and energetic.

Kavin; why not huh why not he be fine and energetic after all he squeezed all the energy of us.

Mj; I have a date tonight but I think with this face I can't meet her.

Kavin; I have my planning to go to the pub and enjoy with hot, beautiful, sexy
Girls but now I can't step out from my room they will think me a ghost if they see me like this.

Mj; but see our freind is total fine.
Kavin; let's go to thyme

Kavin; thyme thyme
Thyme was busy on his phone and smiling like a child
Mj; Kavin he is never so into phone
Kavin; ya let's check what is he watching that made him smile like a fool

Kavin and mj go to thyme back and check what he is doing in phone.

Mj; what he is watching gorya photos on Instagram
Kavin; o God it's only 1 hour before he saw gorya and now he is watching gorya on phone also.

Mj; and also giving her likes

Kavin; I don't know that If you love someone you have to follow her in Instagram also.

Mj; thyme thyme thymeeeeeeee

Thyme; what happened why are you shouting in my ear you ruined my mood.

Kavin; thyme after you fall in love with gorya na you ruined our total life and you taking about your mood
Kavin say with little bit furious but thyme didn't pay much attention to him and start watching photos of gorya.

Kavin; leave the phone and talk with us
See, see my face all my charm is gone now.

Mj; and my also

Kavin; ya
Kavin; you know because of you our life, our face, our mood and everything ruined and you talking about your mood.

Mj; leaving ren both of us get tensed.
Kavin; I don't know how can ren put a calm face here I am going crazy
Mj; me too

Mj; you know first time in my life I felt jealous of ren because of his nature he doesn't get any affected and here I think i need a physiatrist.

Thyme; why don't you go and sit there.

Kavin; thyme it's our time to go home.

Thyme; but we have one more class, right ren.

Mj; but thyme before this we don't do that class and it's not necessary also.

Thyme; mj it's not right we should attend all classes we should be responsible to our student duty.

Kavin; thyme you are the one who always say to ditch the class.

Thyme; ya I know but now I have feeling to be a good student.

Ren; why don't you say you want to leave the school with gorya.

Mj; it means we have to come to the school at 8: 30 and go home at 5: 00.

Kavin: ya but this all things is for thyme right because he is in love but we can come and go school at any time right.

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