my happiness

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Gorya is in school now after having a romantic cheesy morning love conversation with thyme she know thyme is just like a child but his love is pure, innocent and eternal.

Gorya eyes are searching for thyme her first period will start in 30 minutes she always come early to school she is very punctual when it's come to study. Gorya know thyme must be around her but where she don't know she watch another students roaming here and there but than suddenly she saw a person standing infront of her holding a very big bouquet of different flower she put the bouquet aside to see the person after see the person face a big smile formed in gorya face.

Gorya; thyme
Thyme; good morning baby and this flower bouquet is for you my princess.
Thyme handed the flower bouquet to gorya and kiss her cheeks.

Gorya; thank you so much but why all of sudden
Thyme; what the meaning of all of sudden you are my girlfriend and I have right to give presents to my baby what wrong about it ?

Gorya; ya you have right to give me present but I mean this much big bouquet of different flowers all of a sudden why

Thyme; I will tell you later now go to your class I will wait for you in terrace ok.

Gorya; ok but what about this bouquet thyme

Thyme; take it with you baby it's your

Gorya; you mean to class thyme this is so big and what they think about this they will think that I am showing off of my boyfriend and they taunt me that i am a gold digger and taking advantage of you.

Thyme; if anyone say a word to you na tell me once i will burn them in hell fire and after that no will say nothing to you.

Gorya; calm down calm down

Thyme; ya ya I am not angry but I can't let anyone hurt you and I don't care about what others are thinking I know you love me and your love is pure.

Gorya; ok now I am going to class

Thyme; wait where is my morning kiss

Gorya; oh morning kiss

Thyme; ya baby you always forget about it you know na that your kisses are my energy pills so give me quick

Gorya; ok
Gorya look here and there and quickly peck thyme lips and run away from there.

Thyme; hey it's just a peck give me kiss gorya

Gorya who is running from thyme stop in her place she turned back and said
Gorya; I will give you later

After saying this she run away from there

Thyme; my baby will never change but I like it.

Kavin; what you like it thyme

Mj; I know I know gorya

Kavin; are you for real bro thyme Don't like gorya he love gorya or to make it more clear he is madly fall in love with gorya.

Mj; right kavin

Ren; thyme you are preparing something for gorya right ?

Kavin; what

Mj; don't tell me you are giving another surprise to gorya

Kavin; you need help tell me

Thyme; no I don't want your help I will do it myself afterall gorya is my girlfriend right ren

Mj; thyme you jealous again

Thyme; no I am just asking to ren right ren?

Ren; ya you are right

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