1. Knowing you

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Childe snaps awake when he feels someone roughly pinch his arm. He snaps up, a little dazed but his guard up. What was the time? Oh, he's in class now. He turns his head in the direction of the pinch and frowns.

"You'd better have a good reason for that." Childe glares at his friend beside him.

He wordlessly sighs and points a finger to the front of the class. The teacher stands there watching the two's exchange and calls Childes name for the nth time. It finally registers to him that he's been called to the front of the class. The previous sleepiness he'd felt all vanished within that second and he quickly stands up.

Kaeya mutters to himself. "Why do I bother?"

The teacher heaves a heavy sigh, not finding it in himself to get upset this early in the morning. "Childe, sit down, as I was saying, you'll all be getting your end of topic test result now."

A unanimous groan was heard from the class.

The teacher shuffles the many test papers in his hands. "The school has decided to introduce a new system where we not only give you your grade but your ranking in the class as well. You will see a number from 1-30 in the top right and your grade in the top left."

Another groan from the class.

A hand goes up. "Sir, why the new system? Isn't it unfair on the people near the bottom of the class?

The teacher sighs. "Actually, I was against this as well but the head of department wants to try this system on the last years of this year and see if it's effective. Now I'll be handing you your paper. If theres anything you're unhappy about, please tell me."

Amber turns around, to face her friend. "This is so bad. Knowing me I'll be in the bottom 5 for sure! How can the school justify this on us poor last years?"

Lumine merely shrugs. "Who knows, maybe you didn't do as bad as you think and this is the ego boost you need."

Amber gets a hold of her paper and Lumine can see the disappointment in her eyes. "Soo....?"

Amber heaves a heavy sigh. "Wanna guess?"

Lumine laughs. "50? 60?"

"I wish, 32.09%"

"Oh dang."

"Oh dang alright."

Lumines paper is placed in front of her. Before she turns it around she remembers the new scoring system. "What'd you place?"

"I don't wanna look at it again."

"Please?" Lumine gives her best puppy dog eyes. It was always in Lumine's second nature to find out everyone's score.

Amber takes another peek at her atrocity of a test and almost laughs. "27th."

"I can't lie to you, and I'm not surprised."

Amber heaves another heavy sigh. "Well, yeah. I mean I pulled an all nighter last night but literally nothing I revised for was in that test so all my answers were basically guesses. But oh well. What'd you get?"

Lumine had momentarily forgotten about her own (and very important) test result. Lumine had extremely high standards for herself, the kind where she wouldn't accept any grade below 80%. It was quite surprising of Lumine to become friends with Amber, always getting the lowest grades and as of now being confirmed as the bottom 3 in the class. Well, what do they say. Opposites attract and here Amber was a proton and Lumine an electron. Funny, Amber was always the bright and friendly one, a person that got along with anyone and everyone whereas Lumine was more quiet and kept to herself more often than not. Because of this, it was just Amber that Lumine was willing to share her test result with and now her class ranking as well. But with the new system, it seemed everyone wanted to know each others score which Lumine was less than interested in.

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