4. Term 3

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The teacher enters the classroom. "This term, we will have a new seating plan. I think different collaborating relationships will surely bring out your potential."

A groan was heard from the class. "New seating plan? That means I won't sit near you anymore!" Amber stresses.

"Not necessarily, we still might be together."

"You'll be working with the person you are paired up with for all partner projects. We'll also arrange the desks so that you sit in rows of two beside each other." He continues.

"This will also be your seating plan for the rest of this year." Amber turns to look at Lumine hopefully.

"Here is the seating plan . Lisa and Sucrose are in the front row." The teacher begins.

"All duo projects? Hopefully we're together." Amber says.


"Amber and Eula." The teacher says.

Amber pouts and moves to where the teacher points.

He keeps reading out names from his list until Lumine's name is read out. "Last but not least, Lumine and Childe."

Lumines jaw dropped. No way in hell I'm spending the next two terms next to him. What were the odds? I knew it, this teacher just hates me. 

Lumines hand shot up quickly. "Sir! Is there any chance I could change my seat?"

The teacher raises his eyebrows. "Is there an issue? If it's something as trivial as a dislike towards him, then I suggest you learn how to get along."

Lumine sighs knowing plenty well that it was as he said, a dislike towards Childe. She drags her feet and made her way over to where the teacher gestures.

Lumines new seat was right at the back. Lumine took the left seat and Childe took the right one.

Once he sat down he gave her his 'angelic' smile and a provacative wave for good measure. "Hi Lumine-chan! I think we'll get along swell."

She rolls her eyes at his blatant fakeness. "What have I done to deserve this?" She mumbles to herself.

"I haven't even done anything yet." He leaned over his desk and rested his head in his palm and faced her. "You have me as your partner for everything now. Maybe we should try and get along."

Lumine ignores him. "Like hell that's gonna happen."

Childe sits straight, amused at her behavior. "Aw come on Lumine, just because you're second place this term doesn't mean we have to hate each other."

He has a point. Lumine admitted. But her ego was far too big to admit that, let alone get along with him. 

The teacher  walks over to his desk. "Right. Now we'll start with the first partner project of this term." Lumine groans and fights the urge to slam her head into the table. Childe grins at your actions.

"It's a partner project so I expect that you both work on a project and hand it into me next week. I'll explain the details shortly."

The teacher goes over all the details of the project and what the requirements are. Childe looks over to you. "You do realise we're meant to work together on this right?"

The blonde makes eye contact and frowns. His azure eyes captured her honey gold ones and his sly expression grew. "I don't feel like failing this project so let's start." He breaks eye contact and takes out his book.

Lumine decides that brainstorming ideas was a good place to start. Once she was content with the idea she decided on, she look over to Childe work and realised that he had a completely different idea written on his paper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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