28. Future

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Myra received a note from Slughorn that evening, asking her to meet him in his office. She knocked on his door and he called her in.

"Ah Myra", he smiled at her, "I wanted to talk to you. Miss Pomfrey, well she mentioned to me what happened"

"I'm sorry for being out of my dorm late at night sir", Myra looked down guiltily. She had always liked Slughorn.

Slughorn waved his hand, "I don't care about that, although I will have to take ten house points, I just wanted to make sure you're alright"

Myra frowned, "what do you mean sir?"

"I know it's not always easy being a Slytherin Myra, and perhaps your family isn't easy", Slughorn hesitated, "you've just seemed- tired recently"

Myra gave him a small smile, "you're right, it can be complicated. But I'll be alright"

Slughorn looked at her, "you can always talk to someone at Hogwarts Myra, me, or Dumbledore or anyone really. I know these are dark times"

"I will if I ever need to", Myra lied, "thank you"

"It's alright, I just wanted you to know that my door is always open. You're a good student Myra, and I am fond of you", Slughorn smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you", Myra said genuinely, feeling warm at his kindness.

"I'm sure you'll go on to do great things", Slughorn wordlessly offered her a sweet dish as he talked, "very talented potioneer you are"

Myra took a pear drop from the dish, "I think I want to be an auror"

Myra had never been so certain of it before now. But she also knew that it was now impossible. Even if she would be allowed to work, she was on the wrong side of this war.

Slughorn paused for a moment, "I think you'd be an excellent auror"

Myra had never been particularly fond of Slughorn, she'd always found him a bit of a snob who liked to pick and choose favourites. But as she walked back to the common room she had never felt more warm towards him.

It was late, but Regulus was waiting when she got back to the common room. Myra was in a more hopeful mood than she had been, and smiled, sitting down next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Maybe things won't be so bad", Myra dared to say out loud.

"I hope not", Regulus murmured, leaning his head on hers.

"Where will we live?" Myra asked.

"Somewhere as far away from our families as possible", Regulus smiled.

Myra laughed softly, "somewhere with a garden. I always liked your garden"

"Me too", Regulus said quietly, "it should have a fireplace for the winter, and big windows for the summer"

Myra closed her eyes and imagined, "that sounds perfect"

"Doesn't it?" He replied softly.

"Do you want kids Reg?" Myra asked.

Regulus looked at her, "yeah I do. But not until all of this is over"

Myra met his gaze, "and what if it's never over?"

Regulus let out a breath, "I have to believe it will be"

"You're right", Myra agreed , "I would never want to bring a child into this world"

"I feel like I'm just a kid myself", Regulus admitted.

"Reg, I have to ask you something"

"Ask me", he looked at her somberly.

"You're not a death eater now. But you will be soon?" Myra looked at him fearfully.

Regulus only looked away, "yes"

"When?" Said Myra breathlessly.

"I don't know, soon" Regulus still couldn't look at her, "maybe over summer"

"That soon?" Myra exclaimed, "sorry, I knew it would be soon but that's so barely any time at all"

Regulus nodded, "there's no way to delay it. Some of the others already got it"

Myra swallowed, "I'm scared for you Reg"

"Don't be", he looked away, "I can look after myself"

Regulus looked older. He looked as though the worries of the world had shifted onto his shoulders. Where had the shy little boy that she had used to know gone? Myra felt a pang of anger at the dark lord for what he had done to Regulus.

"I can look after you too", Myra cupped her hand around his face gently.

Regulus leaned in slowly and his lips met hers. The kiss was soft, and sad. It was hopeful, and hopeless. Myra leaned her forehead on his when he pulled away, and began to cry. It felt like crying was all she did nowadays. Regulus wiped her tear with his thumb.

"We'll look after each other"

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