16. The Attack

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The snow had melted by the time the Christmas holidays were over. Myra was relieved to be back at Hogwarts. She settled back into the routine of lessons and tried to put the thought of the dark lord to the back of her mind.

This was made more difficult by the formation of a club of sorts by Slytherin students. Led by Malfoy, they would have meetings in the common room about the dark lords cause. Regulus went, Myra suspected just because he was expected to.

This new club put a lot of the other Slytherins on edge. Myra, Louisa and Tegan all hated it. It felt as though they were planning things. And seeing as thought no one could listen in, it was impossible to know what. Myra tried asking Regulus once but he refused to talk to her about it.

One evening, Myra was leaving the library late when something unusual happened. She tried to enter the girls bathroom but the door was locked. She frowned, trying it again but it wouldn't budge.

"Alohomora", Myra said and the door unlocked.

Myra walked inside and felt sick. Lily Evans was stood against the wall, Mulciber towering over her with his wand pointed threateningly at her neck. Avery was smirking. Lily looked at Myra desperately. Myra could see the fear in her eyes and it was horrible.

"Ember, I think you should turn around and leave", Avery threatened.

Myra's heart pounded and she said weakly, "no. I'm a prefect, I can't"

It was a weak excuse but Myra couldn't bear to leave the girl when she looked so frightened. But she also knew that the boys would hurt her if she tried to stop them. She could feel a pit of dread in her stomach.

"Yes you can. She's a mudblood, it doesn't matter", Mulciber said darkly.

"No, leave her alone", Myra tried to sound more commanding.

Avery walked up to Myra, smiling cruelly. He stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

He leaned down from behind her and whispered in her ear, "I want you to stand here and watch while we use the cruciatus curse on this filthy mudblood"

"Myra, please", said Lily.

For a second, Myra thought about walking out, and leaving Lily. Immediately she felt intense shame for the thought. She'd felt the pain of the cruciatus curse and couldn't bear to let it happen to Lily.

"Expelliarmus", Myra disarmed Mulciber, but Avery shoved her to the floor.

"You bitch", Avery spat out.


Myra looked across to see Lily, who had picked up Mulcibers wand. Avery slumped to the floor, unconscious. Mulciber looked furious.

Now without a wand, he lunged at Lily and knocked her to the floor. Lily wrestled to get away from him but couldn't. Myra didn't want to cast any spells for fear of hitting Lily so she ran over and tried to wrench Mulciber away from her. Myra pulled him away and Lily managed to knee him between the legs. He cried out.

"Stupefy", Myra finally managed to stun him.

The two girls sat on the floor, out of breath, and looked at each other.

"Thank you Myra", Lily had tears in her eyes.

"It's fine", Myra panted, "I couldn't leave you"

"Won't they be angry with you?" Lily looked concerned.

Myra hesitated, "yes, they will. But it's ok. I'll handle it"

"What do we do with them?" Lily asked.

Myra shrugged, "leave them here I guess. Come on, I'll walk you back to your common room"

It was late and the corridors were dark and empty. The two girls walked quickly, and Myra kept looking behind them just in case they were followed. They were both clearly shaken up. Lily's usually neat hair was messy and her shirt was ripped. Myra had a scratch on her face where Mulciber's nail had caught her in the struggle.

"Will you come in?" Lily asked when they reached the portrait.

Myra agreed, not wanting to be on her own yet anyway. She had only been in the Gryffindor common room for parties, and it was odd seeing it so quiet. Remus and Sirius were lounging on the sofas in front of the fire. Remus frowned when he saw Myra and nudged Sirius.

"What are you doing in here Myra?" Remus frowned.

"What happened to your face?" Sirius cut in, sitting up abruptly.

"I'm fine", Myra reassured him.

"It was Mulciber and Avery", Lily explained shakily, "they followed me into the girls bathroom and cornered me. They took my wand. Myra walked in and stopped them"

Remus stood up and hugged Lily. Sirius looked furious. James walked in from the dormitory.

"What's going on?" James asked, concerned.

"Mulciber and Avery attacked Lily"

"What?" James exclaimed, rushing over, "are you alright Lily?"

Lily nodded, "Myra walked in before they could do anything"

James embraced Lily and cradled her head, stroking her hair.

"I'm going to kill them", said Sirius darkly.

"Sirius, don't do anything rash", Remus advised.

"No, he's right", said James, "they can't get away with this"

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" Lily asked wearily, "I just want to go to bed"

Of course", James said, still holding her.

They left and Myra and Sirius were left sitting on the sofa. Myra leaned back and let out a weary sigh. Sirius put his arms around her and pulled her into him. She leaned her head on his chest wordlessly.

"Thank you Myra", he muttered.

"Don't thank me. I didn't have a choice"

Sirius stroked her hair, "you always have a choice. Myra, you're good"

Myra looked up at him, "I thought about leaving. But she looked so scared. It was horrible"

"You didn't leave", Sirius looked pained, "you saved her"

Myra smiled weakly, "and now they'll probably kill me"

Sirius' arm tightened around her, "I wouldn't let that happen. Neither would any of the others"

"You couldn't stop it", Myra whispered.

Their eyes were locked together. Myra kissed him gently, and then more roughly. His hand moved over her stomach.

"Don't go back tonight. Stay here", said Sirius gently.

Myra was too tired. Too tired to deny to her feelings. Too tired to think about the consequences. And too tired to care.

"Ok", Myra agreed.

She'd never felt safer than in Sirius' bed. His arm draped over her as they both drifted into sleep. If she could have stayed there forever she would.

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