The Bike

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  The Bike

 I was pretty popular with the boys in my school years. Now I'm 25 but I've never been in a single relationship… I've never been interested, to be honest.

 I graduated from college and went to a small town on the east side of the country. Now I work as a secretary for the town's only accountant. I ‌ get along with everyone in the office and do a decent job, too. Nothing special, really. My routine is simple: wake up, get ready, have breakfast, grab a coffee and go straight to work. After I am done with work, I go buy groceries and make my dinner. I have a cat, he's name's Buddy. He's the only one who's kept me company since I graduated. I found him on my street injured on a rainy night returning from college and took him in.

 Everything seemed normal; I followed the same steps every day till one Friday morning I saw someone's bike on top of the sidewalk, it was a huge bike! It shouldn't be parked there, someone could get hurt! It was right in front of the parking exit of my apartment. I left to go to work and hoped they'd leave soon. I returned in the afternoon and the bike was still there but someone had left them a note “Don't park on the sidewalk, you idiot!” I got home and made dinner for me and Buddy, as always I stayed at home on the weekends and didn't even take a look at the bike. I was really tired from work and I was busy cleaning. 

On Monday while I was at work I was thinking…Why is that bike still here?! This has never happened before…who the hell leaves such an expensive looking bike in the middle of the sidewalk . It's making me so frustrated. What if someone bumps into it or a kid trips and falls or…or

*Stack of paper falls*

«Ah shit, oh I'm sorry!»

«No worries, Jina. Do you need any help?» Said Kate my coworker. I bumped into her and still stays sweet towards me...

«Thank you, but no, I'm fine I was just…not paying attention»

«It's fine»
  Kate fidgets and turns to me again.

«You sure everything is ok? You seem distracted, is anything bothering you?»

«Oh yeah! Yeah everything is fine thank you for your concern Kate it's nothing important»

Kate is one of the few people who is friendly to me in the office, not that the others hate me or anything, but I don't talk to them much and they don't either.

«Ok…you sure?» She does another fidget.

 This curious… I said I'm fine! Didn't I? leave me alone!

«I'm sure thank you, it's just this bike...»

«A bike?»

«Yeah, someone parked a bike on top of the sidewalk, right outside my apartment»

«On top of the sidewalk?! Are they crazy? Wait a minute, your apartment has a parking area doesn't it? Why didn't they park it there?»

«I don't know, maybe they don't live in the building?»

«Whatever idiot that did it he's gonna have a problem, some people right?»

«Yeah, it's right outside of the parking exit as well. It's in the way!»

«Well that idiot is getting towed so don't worry about it. Is that all? You're worried about that?»

«It's been there since Friday»

«As you said it's just a bike»

 We got back to work and at 17:30 we were  finally done, that day seemed like it would never end; documents kept piling up. I was ready to open the door and leave when Kate approached me.

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