First Date

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Katie's birthday went great. We all talked nice and calmly. Katie really likes that restaurant. She loves Italian food, a common thing with Yukino that indeed started a conversation last night. Katie and Bill want to go to Italy for a vacation, maybe we can all go together one day.
Today though I have my first date! I don't know how to feel, what to do, what to say or what to wear…I'm so happy and I really wanna share this… But I can't, I wanna call Katie to tell her but I'm afraid her personality will change once she finds out my sexuality.


“What is it? Ah right your breakfast”

*Sighs* Buddy is always a good distraction.
It's time! She'll call any second now!

*Phone rings*

“There she is!”

I was so excited I shouted out loud.

“Good morning? Are you ready?”

I was happy to hear her voice, I was ready hours ago I could hardly sleep.

“Good morning, yes I'm ready, are you here?”

“I am”

“Ok great I'm coming down, bye!”


I really don't know how to feel about this. I'm so excited and in so much rush, good thing elevators exist otherwise I would have tripped and fall off stairs.
There she is waiting for me and she is happy too! She smiles, what a beautiful smile.

“Hey! How're you doing?!”

She asks while she takes her backpack from the bike.

“I'm great! How are you doing?!”

We're both so awkward like it's the first time we've ever talked.

“Are you ready to go to the only cafe in the area for breakfast?”

“Yes but actually… I  made breakfast, I woke up kinda early… because I'm used to waking up early for work! And I made some things”

“Cool! That's cool, where do you wanna go then?”

“How about the park?”

“Oh! We're gonna have a … what's it called a …"


We said both at the same time and laughed.

“Have you ever had a picnic before Yukino?”

I asked with a smile while we started walking.

“Not really other than some school trips no, I've never thought of doing any afterwards ”

“I used to go every Sunday with my family after church, we wanted to seem like a happy family. There where other families with us from church ”

“Is this how much show off Christians are?”

“No it was just them, what about yours?”

“My family isn't Christian, we don't believe in anything really. We're just traditionalists in a way and we go to a temple once in a while”

“Temple? What religion?”


“Shi- what religion is that?”

“Don't know just my country's religion, I guess…”

“Haha! Cool! I've made some sandw-”

My phone started ringing.

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