An Unexpected Invitation

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The months passed and my relationship with Yukino grew stronger, one thing I regret is not sharing more of my life as much as she had; she is so content with her past I can’t do that, I‘ve told her about my friend from high school and what happened between us in college but she doesn’t know about my family nor does she know any details about my life, I know pretty much everything about her. But I’m so glad she isn’t asking any more of me…Friends and family have hurt me so much but when Yukino smiles I feel like that past is fading away, I feel like they don't matter. I really do understand the quote “You make me a better person” She gives me so much confidence; I went with her on a date! I kissed her, and I told Katie about my feelings towards Yukino. I've dared so many new things. The next day after our date Katie called me for lunch and knowing Katie it wasn’t much of a surprise she took me  to the Japanese restaurant. We talked about my sexuality. Katie seemed confused because I've told her different stuff in the past and acted differently. I was so scared.

  But today something else concerns me. I got a wedding invitation from Billie, my friend from high school, “friend” I really can’t call her that after knowing what a true friend is...

 “What’s wrong? You’ve been staring at it for a while now, what is it?”

Yukino had spent the night at my place again, I can still remember our first night together, what would my mom think after seeing what my life is?!  I think sex before marriage would've been the least of her problems.

 “Um.. sorry it's nothing”

I wanted to rip the letter apart.

 “Good, but what is it? Bills? Did the rent go up?”

Yukino asked curiously as she took the letter from my hands very quickly.

 “No, nothing like that. It’s a wedding invitation that’s about to happen next month and there’s also a letter”

Yukino starts to read the letter.

Hi Jina,

 It’s been 3 years since the last time we talked. I haven’t forgotten about you since college ended. I really feel horrible about what happened; I’ve changed, really and I want to apologize to you about what I did. You were my best friend for years and I shouldn’t have treated you this  just because we were different. I want you to be next to me on this important day as my bridesmaid! What do you say? Also sorry about this old fashioned letter; Your family didn’t know your phone number or anything just your address and forgive me again; I've also been busy with the wedding and I don’t have time to visit myself.

  P.S Your family will be there too but they won’t be at the table, they said they're busy. Also let me know how many friends you’ll bring so I can let the hostess know. Here’s my phone number to inform me of what you’ll do, I’ve missed you best friend.

In the envelope with the letter it was also the actual invitation of the wedding.

 “Well that’s nice! What's a bridesmaid?”

 “A bridesmaid is woman that stays behind the bride and emotionally supports her”


“Cuz a wedding is very emotional”

 “No I mean why does she want you to do that?”

“Oh! She said she feels bad about what happened and she still considers me her friend”

 “Right. Are you gonna go?”

“I don’t know…I don’t think I should…”

“There’s no need to be afraid”

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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