An Unwanted Lesson

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All is well and my peace is not interrupted, work went well, Katie didn't ask to hang out and as I returned from the grocery store I saw Yukino outside my apartment… That's how my peaceful day got interrupted.



“Welcome home”

“You know I can call the police on you right?”

“I don't see why you'd do that?”

“Why have you squatted in front of my apartment again?”

“We have a lesson today!”

“What? Why? Why me? Why don't you study with someone else?! Why don't you find an actual teacher?!”

“Because I want to study with you”

“I told you we can't always do what we want!”

“Maybe you can't, but I can”

“Seriously you're unbelievable…”


“It wasn't a compliment”

She didn't care; Yukino shrugged.

“I can't put you in my house, I can't put a stranger in my house!”

“Come to mine then”

What is she saying?! She came really close to me and winked!

“Yeah! No way! It's the same thing!”

“You're such a party pooper”

“I'm not gonna let a stranger in my house nor I'm going to go to a stranger's house!”

“Why? Are you afraid I'm going to do something to you?”

She came even closer, my hairs stood up.

“First of all, step away! You can't be so close to someone ”

“If you're not interested let's just have the lesson in a cafe or something”

«not interested»? What does she mean? Is she?...

“Fine I'm going to leave my groceries upstairs and I'll be right back”

Great, I'm stuck with her now…there goes my quiet day. When I got inside I immediately called Katie. It's been years since I called « friend to tell her my news. I was so surprised that I didn't even think about what I was doing.

“She's unbelievable she just came to my house! Just like that!”

I didn't regret calling Katie; I was so glad she wanted to listen, so I explained what happened to her.

“It's very suspicious that she said that, don't you think?”

“What's suspicious?”

“«Not interested»? Like «interested» for what?”

“...Um… I don't know ”

Katie starts laughing.

“What? What is it!?”

“Don't you think she might be hitting on you?”

“You think she's gay?”

“It sure sounds like it, the whole phrase «If you're not interested we can JUST have the lesson»?”

“You're right it does sound weird…what should I do?”

“Well, are you interested?”

“...!!!What?! No! No way! I'm…I'm not gay!”

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