Contact Names

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A/N: Nightmare is on a three-day buisness trip, also Killer and Nightmare's kept their relationship secret.

Killer giggled at his phone while blushing. Dust noticed this and thought it was suspicious. Dust slowly opened his mouth to ask "Um.. Kills?" Killer hummed and he got off his phone. "Yeah?" Killer acted like everything was normal which didn't surprise Dust. Killer was a great liar, he could get their asses out of trouble or in trouble whenever he wants to.

"Who are you texting?" Dust asked again, Killer was about to respond when Horror called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready!" Killer excitedly got off the couch and he replied "Comin'!" Before running towards the dining room. Dust was a bit frustrated that he didn't get an answer, when he was about to leave for the kitchen he saw Killer's open phone on the couch.

Dust being curious and determined, went to closer to the couch. He quickly tapped the screen before it could turn off and grabbed the phone. Lucky for Dust, Killer forgot to close his phone. Dust began snooping around and he checked Killer's contacts.


"Fuck why do people call me that?!" Dust asked himself feeling hurt.


Bivophobic-banana simp..



Lgbt flag..

Edgy batboii..

No brainer..


Crackhead's Slut..



"Wait who the fuck is "Daddy"?????" Dust asked himself quietly. Dust jolted when he heard Cross's voice behind him. "Dude, why didn't you come to eat?" Dust had an idea to expose Killer and figure out who's "Daddy". Since dating someone from outside the castle was forbidden. Dust turned around..

And an evil smirk slowly appeared on his face. Cross was a bit creeped out by this and Dust came closer and whispered to Cross everything he just found out a few seconds ago. Cross eyes widened and Dust added "Wanna expose that tar-leaking thot?" Cross wanted join on this idea and he replied "Heck yeah! I'm in!" The two started laughing like mad dudes but was disturbed by Horror asking why they haven't come to the dining room.

After they told Horror about this, Horror immediately joined on this idea. They headed to the kitchen and to their joy, Killer wasn't there. They happily told their comrads everything and they agreed to the plan.


Dust never stopped pressing the screen of Killer's phone, if he let go of it for a more than a minute it was gonna turn off. They prepared some thick ropes and Cross teleported in front of Killer's door. He pressed his none existant ear on the door and he heard Killer panicking "Where in the fucking hell is my phone?!"

Cross knocked on the door and Killer went silent. The door opened and revealed Killer in a happy mood "What do you need?" Killer asked. Cross replied "Can you accompany me to the basement?" Killer raised a none existant eyebrow and replied "Sure?". The two walked through the hallways and some steps, eventually they were facing the door to the basement.

Cross opened the door and walked in the pitch black room and Killer followed. Killer closed the door from behind and grazed his hand on the wall to find the light switch. Then he felt someone grab him and they hit him on the neck. Knocking him out.

"Tie him up."

"Open the lights."

Scoundrel switched the lights on and everyone tied him to a chair. They were having a voting session and Homocide was voted to call Killer.

"Why me? Why not dust?" Homicide asked, "Cus you can change your voice." Everyone replied. Homocide and Dust handed Homocide Killer's phone. Homocide called this "Daddy" guy and he picked up. "We have your son." Homicide said seriously.

"What the fuck?! Who are you??? I don't have a son."

Homocide had put it on speaker so everyone could hear it. And all of them were shocked to hear Nightmare's voice. "What? Then why does this guy have you nicknamed "Daddy" in his contacts?" Homocide asked in disbelief.

"YOU HAVE MY FUCKING LOVER YOU ASSHOLE!!! WHERE ARE YOU???!!! AND WHAT DO YOU WANT????!!" Nightmare screamed on the phone. Everyone got scared, Killer woke up and he saw himself being tied to a chair. He stared at the room and he was confused to see everyone there and Homocide holding his phone talking to someone.

"What are you guys doing??? Why do you have my phone and why am I tied to a chair?!" Killer asked, everyone was silent until Nightmare asked "Wait a minute.. Killer am I talking to the idiots?"

Killer replied "Yep, they even tied me to a chair." Suddenly Dust realized everything and he suddenly exclaimed "OH MY GOD!!!!!! KILLER WAS SECRETLY SUCKING OFF OUR BOSS UNDER OUR NOSES THIS WHOLE TIME!!!!!" Killer blushed hard which supported Dust's words.

"Dust if you don't untie Killer and give him his phone, I'll come home early and beat everyone's ass with a whip and if i see a tear I'll change it into a spikey bat." Nightmare said on the phone, everyone instantly did as told and untied Killer and gave him his phone.

Killer slapped Dust and said "PISTI KA NGA YAWA!! You snooped through my contacts didn't you!!!" Dust had a red bruise on his cheek and he replied "Yeah and you nicknamed us Dirt, Crackhead, and bivophobic-banana simp!!!"

Scoundrel stopped himself from laughing and Dust shouted at Scoundrel "Shut up! He called you edgy batboii!!!" Scoundrel shut up and Dust turned to face Killer. The two had a big arguement and everyone tried to stop them before it could turn into a physical one.

Everyone forgot about Nightmare still on the phone, and he had to hear Dust call Killer things like "Whore", "tar-waterfall" and etc..

Nightmare was already planning the perfect punishment for Dust when he gets back.

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