Jokes and the Journey

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So this annoying boy's name is Nate, why does that sound so familiar? Oh, well it will probably come to me later. What was really troubling me was the fact that this boy was stupid enough to keep trying to hit on me, he was also cracking the stupidest jokes and over all driving me insane.

"So my fair maiden what brings you to this part of the forest? Looking for a new pet?" I swore under my breath.

"No, I was looking for someone."

"And?" Nate tried prompting me.

"And what, I just met you. That doesn't mean I want to spill my life story on your lap," I exclaimed, give him a you better shut up or those will be the last words you EVER say look.

"Well if your looking for someone, I'm going to assume you didn't find them." I shot a death glare at him. He just shrugged his shoulders like I wasn't about to tackle him. " I happen to know something to help you find what your looking for."

"And what would that be?" I sighed already tired of this conversation.

"Well there's this old legend about a magic mirror. The legend starts in with a young maiden. She was a vision of beauty, but completely self centered. When men came to ask for her hand they would offer here their loyalty along with a number of other treasures. She would take them into her room, and then no one ever saw them again. The only clue that was ever left was the growing jewels of her simple mirror, giving it more gems than even the queen owned. Everyday at exactly noon she would sit down in front of her elaborate mirror and sing to it, asking it the same question each time. 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?' Now no one has ever found out what exactly the looking glass did but it's rumored to be able to answer any question it's asked," Nate said. "No has seen the mirror for year but it was last rumored to be seen in Helmsburg, and that's where I'm headed now. I would love some company on the road, plus something tells me that you have a few questions for it yourself."

I contemplated his offer. I felt stupid going after an old wise tale. But ever since David died I had been living my life in a constant state of pain and for some reason could never seem to find happiness. Maybe this was my chance to find it, I could ask the mirror how to find it and then maybe I would live my life in peace.

"Sure, but on one condition," I replied.



At this he just laughed and we started down the road. One step and then another, each bringing me closer to the end of my pain and heartache.


Hey guys,

I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner. Life has been crazy busy, between end of the year testing and tech challenge, I haven't had time to update, or even time for ideas to update... anyway. Thanks so much, I'm at 207 view yay!

Peace Out,


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