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So operation getting Will and Mike together has not been going well. Everyone in the party has been super busy and no one has time to do anything together with Mike having to watch Holly, and everyone else has their owns things. Will Isn't busy but everyone else is.

It's late at night behind the Byers house will I'd laying in his bed when he hears the snap of a twig in front of his window. His had snaps over to the noise breath picking up, he's waiting for the lights to start flickering when he hears a soft knock. He goes to the window and sighs with relief and lets the creeper in.
"You scared me Mike," Will say nudging him.
Mike giggles and smile at him" sorry," he replies he seem nervous why? will thinks to himself.
" I've been so busy watching Holly we haven't been able to spend time together," he starts and will shakes his head as he knows that too.
" my moms been a mess lately, I've had to do all the chores and cook for everyone, Nancy is to busy with her job so I don't bother her with it. It'd be rude if I complained ya know?" He vents to Will.
" ya but if you need help I'm sure she won't mind giving you some, you don't have to take care of her by yourself." Will comforts him.
" I know it's just, I feel like it's my fault." Mike tells him. Will looks at him confused how could it be his fault.
" it's just, my dad didn't have a problem with my sisters and they have always been out of touch with me," he says and will ohs in realizing. Mike thinks he caused his parents to split up.
" Mike I'm sure them splitting up has nothing to do with you, they've been fighting for years," Will tells him
" ya. Ya they have haven't they," he thinks on the realization he doesn't know wether that made things better or worse.
Mike turns his head and wraps his pale arms around Will. He doesn't get or give hugs often so when he does he cherish them. They both still have the feeling in their chest almost like they can't breathe but not in a bad way. They both pull back the hug and look into each other's eyes. Mike leans in a bit then breaks eye contact and turns his head to side. He looks like he has something else on his mind.
" what's wrong?" Will asks his best friend.
" My Dad asked for custody," he says and Will knows that Mike doesn't want to live with him.

" of just Holly," he says tears running his eyes.
" that son of a bitch! Fuck him you don't need him, you have the party ,Nancy, my mom even, and you have me," Will tells him Mike smiles at him like his words helped which they did.
" ya! Fuck him," he says with a giggle.
Mike and Will are in Mikes basement. Nancy I'd upstairs and is about to leave with Holly. She's taking Holly to their dads but Nancy isn't staying there, she has work.

Nancy giggles as she locks the basement doors, she fully knows the party's plans of trying to get them together, she also knows that the door down their broke when Mike slammed it to hard now it won't open.

Will hears the front door shut and goes up the wooden stairs, he needs to get a drink. He tried to open the door but it won't budge, huh that's weird he thinks to himself.
" uh Mike I think Nancy locked us down here," he tells him the panic not setting in because he knows they have the other door.
" What!" Mike says the panic clear.
" woah why are you freaking out we have the other door,"will tells him
" No I broke it, it won't open we are stuck down here for three hours," Mike tells him.
Wills face drops oh! Oh? He thinks, would it really be that bad to be stuck down here with him? Will tries to way out the cons but can't seem to find any.
" oh well at least it's you, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with anyone else." He says with a laugh at he sits on the soft sofa.
" Dustin would annoy the shit  out you till you died," Mike says.
" Ya and Max would just be mean to you," Will tells him
" she so would!" Mike laughs out now they are both in the floor laughing.

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