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(Noah's Pov)

In the car I stay silent. Although it's really making me uncomfortable that he keeps staring at me.

Not only am I quiet but the entire car ride back to the hotel is quiet.

Once back into the hotel instead of taking the elevator with John I take the stairs up to the 5th floor. And yes I am tired and I'm only on the 2nd floor. I need more exercise okay.

I know what you're thinking: I did all that just to avoid a him I don't wanna talk to. Well you would do the same, I hope...

Anyway! Why didn't he stand up for me? He stood up for me even when the problem wasn't his fault but when something was hid fault he basically not really pinned everything on me! I repeat I HATE JOHN WHITEFEILD!

*Mumbles* A no good guy who takes no sort of responsibility for his own actions. Made me get blamed. Stupid guy.

Again, anyway! Once I get to the 5th floor I see my dad and John at my door.

That's right I said mine instead of ours!

I'm switching with Austin. He can room with John. I can't deal with him.

My dad waits as I open the room door.

"Alright dad I'm in you can stop watching me now," I tell him as I enter.

He shakes his head at me and walks away.

I close the door after John enters and head to where I put my suitcase grabbing it.

I head to the closet and begin packing my clothes up.

At first John is in the living room as I'm in the bedroom but he walks in as I'm halfway done with emptying out the closet.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

I was serious about not talking to him. I ignore his as he waits for my reply just watching me pack.

I turn around to grab more clothes and when I turn back he's taking clothes out of my suitcase.

"Stop." I firmly tell him.

"Not until you tell me what you're doing," He says continuing to take my clothes out.

I sigh. "Fine. I'm switching rooms with your brother," I tell him as I continue to pack a bit more even though he hands are on top of the other clothes.

"Please don't. If anything I should be the one to switch."

I think about his words for a second.

"You know what you're right," I say as I unpack yet once again but John helps a bit.

When I'm almost done with unpacking and John's staring at me apologetically a knock on my door stops me.

I sigh, John and I head to the front door.

I pull open the door. Oh great if it isn't the bearer of bad news, my dad.

"What do you want now dad?"

"No back talk Noah. I can always ground you for the rest of the trip."

"Whatever," I mumble.

"We are going out to dinner yet again tonight. Noah you're grounded so cant come, but John if you want you can come," My dad tells us.

"Uh no that's okay. Not really hungry. maybe next time,"
John turns down the offer.

"Okay. Stay out of trouble Noah," He says before walking out closing the door.

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