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(Noah's Pov)

I follow John all the way to the room until I realize that he has the key card and I'm not able to get into the room.

I knock.

"John..." There's only silence. "John open the door."

"Just go away. I want to be left alone Rich Boy," He says.

"I know how you feels."


I sit down and prepare myself for what I'm going to reveal to him.

"I feel the same way. Do you think I'm happy? Do you think I have a perfect life? Well guess what think again. My mom left us. Do you know how that made me feel? She was my only best friend. I went to her for everything. One day she just packed up and left. She left me and this locket I keep around my neck. She said she hated the fighting between her and my dad. So she left. She said she loved me and my brother and she hopes we find the bright side of things. At least that's what was in the note and to think I can't find the bright side. Yes there's no fighting but I lost my best friend. I don't have anyone to talk to besides my bestfriend Cooper. I met him after my mom left. He's helped through everything really. My dad doesn't listen to me because he's always working or with Lia. Jin is to young to know anything. All I have if him. I asked if I could bring him but Lia of course said no because she's out to ruin my life. So because of her I'm stuck miles away from Cooper. I know it's only three weeks and we text and stuff but at might I just think of all the fights. I don't have anyone to talk to about anything because he's always asleep and I don't want to wake him up because of something I shouldn't be thinking about. I don't want to think about it. I just can't help it. I don't know why I'm telling you this but I guess I felt bad since I'm the one who basically snitched on you. I didn't mean to screw things up between you and your mom. I guess I can't go a day without ruining things. I'm sorry I'll leave you alone." I explain and stand up. As I'm about to walk away from the door John swings it open.

"I'm sorry," He says.

"Why you didn't do anything."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that about you. Come in."

I walk in as he holds the door open. I walk in our room sitting on my bed and he sits in front of me on his bed.

"You can wake me up if you want to and I'll listen. You know I'm not a total asshole. I mean, I don't try to be but I've turned into one after my dad left. Nothing bothers me anymore. Yes I feel bad after but I feel like people should feel what I feel. What I mean is, it feels right as I do it but I feel bad after I do it. I know, I'm pathetic but, it's true. Not only do they suffer from me but my mom and brother and sister do too. My mom's to the point where she's about to throw me out. My older sister Ashlyn, she tries to help me but I just push her away like I do everyone else. She knows I don't mean to and that I'm hurt; Not only from my parents splitting but because it's over now. They're scared of me and I'm very happy with that."

"Who?" I question.

"Like I said I don't want to talk about it," He yells gritting his teeth.


"See I did it again."

"John it's okay I understand," I tell him.

"You know, I should just leave. Nobody wants me here. My mom doesn't want to talk to me. I hate Justin. Your dad doesn't like me and I can't stand Lia. My brother's having fun with Jin and I'm sure you don't want me around now since you think I'm a loser and nothing but a cry baby. I should just pack up and go," He speaks looking down.

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