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There is a silent cry that only I can hear

The silent cry that you've been hiding for a while


A few weeks had passed, and Minho couldn't be happier.

He had finally left his parents, and he was now living with Jisung.

He had stopped hurting himself. A few days after they started dating, Jisung found the cuts on Minho's arm, and basically broke down in tears. He made Minho promise to never hurt himself again.

The voice in his head had slowly gone silent. Minho guessed that it had something to do with Jisung. He never told his boyfriend about all the negative things the voice told him, but Jisung almost knew what Minho was thinking, and could tell when he was struggling. Whenever Minho had a panic attack or broke down, Jisung was always there to help calm him down.

Minho didn't tell anyone he was struggling, but Jisung knew. It was almost like Minho was silently crying out for help, and Jisung heard his cry for help, and rescued him from his demons.



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