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The Doctor:

Muse, I didn't like them. Amy and Rory had very much domesticated the TARDIS, while Ser was just curled up on the chair, writing. It was the first time I'd seen her do that in such a long time, it was refreshing, and none of it seemed to be bad, or she'd be crying. But it made me wonder, where had her visions been for the past few months?

"Forty six. Rubbishy, rubbishy, rubbish." Amy told Rory, looking at where his dart had landed. A dart board in Sexy, while playing horrible music, whatever next.

"Hello? It's a double top."

She shook her head at him. "Wrong side of the wire, mister."

"You're on the oche, Red."

I looked at the monitor again, the scan of Seraphina. It still couldn't determine if she was pregnant or not, and it had been so much longer than 5 months now. Wherever she was, if she was really pregnant, someone was experimenting with out baby.

"Who wants fish and chips?" I asked, and Rory raised his hand. Mr Pond... "I'll drop you three off. Take your time. Don't rush."

"Er, and you?" Rory asked, while Sera hadn't even noticed yet, still drawing in her pretty midnight blue book with silver stars on the front. Sarah Jane's present for the wedding. I got bot tie print socks.

"Things to do. Things involving other things. And I need you to watch Sera, her minds not 100% today, it's locked in visions."

Amy shook her head at me. "Well, we'll stay with you. We'll do the other things. Sera can't even hear us yet, she'd just get confused."


"Whatever you're up to, I'd personally like to be a part of it. As would your wife. What?" Then a klaxon blared and we all started getting thrown around, said wife finally snapping out of her visions to get to her feet and helping us all to stay upright. How did she managed that?

"Solar tsunami." She told us, not even looking at the monitor. We had our advantage back. "Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave of radiation. Big, big, big."

"Oh, Sera, Doctor, my tummy's going funny." Rory said, holding it as we kept being jostled.

"Well, the gyrator disconnected. Target tracking is out." I said as we headed for Earth. "Assume the position!" I called, grabbing Sera in a hug as Amy and Rory put their head between their knees. Close enough. And then everything went still. "Textbook landing."

We ran outside and I grinned, looking up at the roofs of a great big stone building. "Behold, a cockerel! Love a cockerel."

"It's a weathervane." Sera sighed, closing the doors behind the Mini-Ponds. "And underneath, a monastery. Thirteenth century." That's my girl, way smarter than me.

"Oh, we've gone all mediaeval." Amy commented, looking up at the great building.

Rory shook his head. "I'm not sure about that."

We all turned to look at him while Amy raised her eyebrow. "Really? Mediaeval expert are you?"

"No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield." Ah, yes, I could hear that now too, You Don't Have To Say You Love Me.

Sera inspected a hole in the ground with a pipe running through it, labelled Danger Corrosive. "These fissures are new. Solar tsunami sent out a huge wave of gamma particles. This is caused by a magnetic quake that occurs just before the wave hits."

"Well, the monastery's standing."

I took a snow globe out of my pocket and shook it. It was a structure stability detector, too a read of the closest building and then told us how strong it was. This one, 50/50. "Yeah, for now."

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