Popping In

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The Doctor:

Seraphina needed the familiar. She needed to know that things weren't all to different, that she could be normal again, who she used to be. I just hoped that it helped, seeing Craig again.

She didn't know where we were going through, so I just told her to get dressed, which she did in a pair of tight black jeans, a red long sleeved shirt and then a silver waist coat, so different to the summery and graceful dresses she used to wear. But then again, she'd lost another baby, though this one was alive, and she'd just shattered again.

It was no wonder why she was trying to be someone different, but I still loved her. No matter who she was, I would love her. So, we knocked on the door of where the TARDIS said they lived, which was good because neither of us could remember and waited for him to answer. "Hello, Craig. We're back." I grinned, while Phina smiled slightly, standing behind me and resting her chin on my shoulder.

"She didn't." He breathed, staring at us. "How could she phone you two?"

What was he walking about? "How could who phone us? Nobody phoned us, we're just here." Then I looked inside, seeing it was different. "Oh, you've redecorated. I don't like it."

"It's a different house. They've moved." Phina sighed, shaking her head a little and then kissing my neck. She was so lovely, she didn't deserve anything that was to come.

I grinned at her, taking her hand and leading her into the house. "Yes, that's it."

Crag was still incredibly confused. "Phina, Doctor, what are you doing here?"

We both shrugged, and I then noticed for the first time how shaky and loose Phi's hand was in mine. She'd always held my hand incredibly tight surely she wasn't still scared of hurting me? She had an ankle cast on, after all. "Social call. Thought it was about time we tried one out. How are you?" I asked him, trying to push past it. Seraphina Tate was more than capable of crushing my hand.

"I'm fine."

I forget what's supposed to happen next. "This is the bit where I say I'm fine too, isn't it? I'm fine, too. Phina?" She nodded absently, her other hand hidden in her jeans pocket. "Good. Love to Sophie. Bye." I went to leave again, knowing that maybe she wasn't ready for this just yet.

But then she paused, tilting her head to the side just before the lights flickered. "Something's wrong."

Well, if she was saying that, there was something wrong, so I ran back in, heading upstairs with the sonic screwdriver while she was still in her vision. "On your own, you said. But you're not. You're not on your own."

"Just shush."

No, you shush, you don't tell me to shush! "Increased sulphur emissions. And look at the state of this place. What are you not telling us? Phina, you out of that vision yet?" No reply, so I left it.

"Doctor, please."


"No, you shush"



This was getting ridiculous. "No, you shush!"


I burst into the room, Phi just behind me her face a picture of shock as I shouted in the room. "Whatever you are, get off this planet."

And then a baby started crying, and she went over to him before Craig did, picking him up. She was so perfect with a baby, she really was. I just wished that we had kept our children, Jenny, Rory, Melody, River. "Hey, hey, keep it down, little man. No need for that noise. Your daddy is right there."

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