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- The picture above is their apartment! Ikr, I'm so good at drawing. (also sorry if you cannot read my writing-)

- Robin is the type of person to accidentally let out a 'love you' when she's leaving. (It is also an on-going joke in the group that you WILL see in multiple chapters so-)

- Dustin has a little joke that they're like the Mystery gang.
(Steve - Fred
Robin- Daphne
Nancy- Velma
Eddie - Shaggy
Dustin - Scooby doo.)

- Steve just absolutely loves to wear Eddie's clothes.

- I feel like Eddie also lived in a trailer when he was living with his parents, maybe just a bigger one?

- Robin likes to collect rocks and taps off of cans.

- Eddie likes to collect bottle caps.

- Nancy has it hard with finding new friends- (mostly because they always fucking die-)

- When Eddie graduated he curtsied and flipped the principle off, as he said he would<3 (no, i am not delusional.)

- Robin gave Nancy a yellow converse with flowers on them. Nancy doesn't wear them often, but she will hurt anyone who touches them.

- Nancy has a few hidden guns in her closet. And with a few, I mean a box.

- Steve once found a stray cat outside their apartment and fed it. Now, it keeps coming back everyday, but sadly cannot come inside 'cause either Eddie or Robin is allergic.

- Eddie accidentally hit Steve with a bat in the stomach once. Don't ask.

- Eddie has piercings. Many Piercings. God, i love piercings on metalheads-

- nobody knows Eddie's birthday, for some weird reason.

- Eddie can speak Spanish fluently

- Robin's dad was in the military, and can be quite harsh sometimes, but he's girly pop.

- Nancy and Robin doesn't wear much makeup on a daily basis, but when it's date night they always try to impress each other.

- Steve never really had any teddy bears, because his dad thought that it would turn him into a 'homo'.

- Eddie fr said 'nu-uh' and got Steve many teddy bears

- Robin and Eddie are the duo to have such intelligent arguments, that literally can go on for centuries

- Holly knows about Nancy and Robin being a thing. (let's be honest Holly loves Robin and Robin doesn't know how a child works)

- Eddie's a god in math. There, I said it. 6 years in high school, and I will fight you on the fact that he didn't at least become just a little advanced in math at some point. idc, i just really like that the 'dumb' friend is really dumb, but then when the group needs it, they're suddenly einstein and has studied fucking science for 11 years, yk?

- Robin once tried to go in heels on a date, to impress Nancy, and fell multiple times.

- Eddie doesn't do Lego, since he claims it's a waste of space, but when he builds it with Holly or something, he's like IN the zone. Like he would hit someone if they try and disturb him.

- The amount of torture Eddie had to go through of listening to Madonna. He can sing all of the lyrics to Material Girl and Like A Virgin.

- Steve likes to torture Eddie with 'Eddie My Love' by The Chordettes. (eddie maybe likes steve's singing voice but who knows)

- Nancy has like a million bracelets from Robin (self made). it's cute, okay?

- Robin gets so easily fucking scared, so Eddie has made it his life mission to scare her shitless everyday. His streak is almost 4 months now.

- Eddie is amazing at voice acting. He can do a lot of weird voices whether it's from cartoons or actual actors.

- Nancy has almost 3 full boxes of rocks that Robin has collected from a beach.

- Nancy has Hello Kitty PJ'S. Fight. Me.

- Steve is Italian on his dad's side. His mom made him take French because she found it a beautiful language and Steve is a mama's boy, so what?

- I feel like either Robin has a billion siblings or she's an only child.

- Nancy is not big on public PDA, but let's it slide with hand-holding.

-Robin has a camera full of weird shit that they've done. There's a video of Eddie and Steve dancing to Grease songs while drunk and one video of Nancy and Steve doing drugs together, like it's so random what you're gonna find on that camera.

-I don't understand the fan-fics where Steve coughs when he's smoking with Eddie. You've literally seen him smoke in the earlier seasons-

- Nancy is definitely the type to try and have a conversation with you whilst you're on the phone, but if you try to talk to her while she's on the phone, you're definitely dead.

- Eddie is decent at cooking. Like he can do some basic meals, as Wayne always left before dinner, and came back right before breakfast. though it always gets just a little bit burned.

- Eddie ate dirt as a child.

- Nancy hates sports. Never liked, never will and doesn't understand the fun in it.

- Steve is like one of those moms when you give them their phone because of a funny meme, he would squint his eyes almost shut and shove the fucking thing up their face and then proceed to ask 'do you know this guy? Oh. Haha.'

- Eddie is slowly going deaf because he doesn't understand the difference between low and high volume.

- Robin always secretly thinks about how things smell. Like when they walk into a new restaurant she smells the table discreetly. (it's the 'tism) 

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