one - tybalt

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an - We will switch between Tyablt and Romeo's pov. We may also occasionally do other characters pov but we aren't currently sure. <3

Tybalt walked towards the beach, looking around for Romeo. His eyes scanned the area, dejectedly, knowing he would soon fight the person he loves. At last he spotted Romeo, who turned and caught his eye. They walked closer towards each other. 10 steps. 8 steps. 6 steps. 4 steps. 3,2,1. They stood facing eachother, inches away.

Romeo spoke
'Juliet isn't here. Where is she?' He drew his longsword not waiting for an answer.

'I have no idea, Romeo, you Villain.' Tybalt inching Back, also drawing his sword. They lunged at eachother, swords flashing to the left, right, sideways. Each thrust barely missing the other yet getting close enough to graze the skin. Finally, Romeo pierced Tybalt's arm, blood spurting out. Tybalt staggered about, trying to take in what had just happened. Romeo asked once more where Juliet was and pushed Tybalt into the sand.

Tybalt lay, thinking about how he could love someone born from his only enemy. How could he have gone and fallen like this? Romeo would never reciprocate, he told himself, wishing he were someone else. He slowly raised himself off the ground, while applying pressure to the wound, hoping it would stop hurting sooner rather than later. Walking towards his house, he thought about everything he could have said to Romeo. Truthfully, he had no idea where Juliet was, and that caused him endless amounts of worry. In fact no-one knew, not even her wet nurse, which surprised him most of all.

As Tybalt entered his home, a rush of servants came to his aid, looking at his wound and tending to it. He sat around, moodily, not because of the 3 Weeke bedrest, but because he wouldn't be able to see Romeo. As much as he hated him, he was equally in love with him. The two feelings wrecked havoc on the inside of him, the constant changing of emotions between  love and hate. The imbalance between the two often had him at a crosswords: follow love or carry the family honour?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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