We will rise up

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Vegas was extremely tense, he was bouncing his leg and Pete noticed that Macau and Vegas has similar propensity when they're anxious. Zee was sitting uncomfortable at his desk chair, observing cameras and glancing from time to time at his visitors. Nobody was speaking, until Macau stood up with sigh.

"I see we can't figure out anything, so I'll excuse myself and go play some games. If someone wants to join, be my guest." Said Macau, heading towards exit.

"I'm going with you." Pete followed him, but before he walked out, he turned and pointed finger at Vegas "If you try doing something stupid, I'll cut your dick off, understood?"

Zee stared at him shocked, but Vegas looked only grumpy and displeased.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Is this understood, Khun Vegas?" Asked Pete once again and raised his eyebrows,  after few long seconds of silence.

Vegas rolled his eyes and sarcastically smiled at Pete "Plain as day, sweetheart."

"Perfect." Pete smiled back at him, kiss his cheek and followed Macau.

Younger brother glared appraisingly at him "It's surprising how well you can keep him in check."

"Yeah, I actually wanted to have a little chat about your brother. Where is your room?"

"First floor, left door at the end of the hallway." Said Macau, walking up the stairs. "I didn't clean up for a while, so there's little mess. Don't worry about it."

Pete nodded, because he understood that Macau's teenager and at this age, he has better things in his mind then cleaning, but when he crossed threshold of room, he almost gasped. Macau's room wasn't normal definition of 'mess', it was disaster - room was completely dark, because the blinds hindered the admittance to the light, wardrobe door was opened and inside was heaps of unassembled clothes, on the dresser were open toiletries. When Pete stepped in, he noticed big, undone bed, where was laying pile of cushions with game boxes besides and table near huge TV screen, where was another pile, but this one was full of plates, glasses and empty water bottles.

Pete became alert, because he had seen scenery like this before. It was four years ago, when Main Family enrolled new bodyguards and among them was young guy, named Sam. He has always been very polite and cheerful, maybe little distant, yet very friendly. One day he didn't come to his shift and Pete with P'Chan visited his room. Sam was lying in his bed, covered with blanket, encircled by a stinking mess, like he wasn't cleaning there since he was assigned to this dormitory. P'Chan was serenely looking around, Pete didn't predict what he'll be witnessing as older bodyguard uncovered blanked .

Pete couldn't hold back the noise, he made as he saw blood at mattress. Sam's wrists were cut along the vein with piece of shattered mirror, he was completely naked and his bodyguard suit was folded on the nightstand next to the bed, just like Sam wanted to say "I respect my position, but I can't handle myself at this position". 

Medical team diagnosed that Sam has highly developed and untreated depression. It was Pete's first collision with a mental illness and first time, he understood that mental condition is comparably significant as physical one. In order to prevent future situations like this, every bodyguard has his own room-mate.

"Phi? Is something wrong?" Asked Macau, snapping Pete out of his thoughts. He was worried about Macau, but under watchful eye of his Nong, he smiled and headed towards bed, avoiding handkerchiefs and school books, lying on the floor. 

"Oh, don't worry about it. So what do you want to play?"

Macau was laying at his stomach, so he shifted and put game boxed at the floor to make room  on the bed for guest. When he lied down in the same position, Macau covered them with duvet and turned on TV. Pete found it adorable and almost placed his head at Macau's shoulder, but at last moment, he held back, because they didn't actually know each other that well. Pete first time met Macau, when he was child, it was after military training, required to become The First Family bodyguard. He was ridiculously looking teenager in suit, and so thought little Macau, running away from Vegas and The Second Family bodyguards. Child bumped into Pete legs and big brown eyes looked up at him.

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