Nimh is GONE?!

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Shrek woke up from his power nap to see that the cage he put Nimh in (against his will) WAS EMPTY! "Here bunny bunny bunny! Here bunny bunny bunny!" Shrek called. But Nimh was no where to be found. Just then, Fiona entered the room looking quite angry. "What the fuck Shrek?! It's 8:00AM!" "I can't find my rabbit!" "What rabbit? Why are there newspapers in the cage? Only ONE of our kids isn't potty trained!" Shrek sighed "Remember when I said I was going to the zoo?" "Yea, I had to take care of the little shits while you where gone!" "Well a bunch of sexy boys got turned into furries and I took one home...I can't find him now." "You took a boy home with you?!" "No Fiona! Not like that!" "I don't wanna hear it! Look for him yourself!"

Fiona slammed the door and stomped off. Nimh appeared from under the Minecraft bed. "Is she gone?" He asked. "You where under there the whole time?" "Yea! I found some weird stuff under your bed lol" Shrek picked him up and put him back in the cage. "I'm going to find the rest of the manimals. You stay there!" "Arn't you going to lift the curse first?" "I'd rather fix all of you at the same time so I don't have to lift your curses one at a time!" Shrek may have been dumb but he would always grow smart when he wanted to get some stupid shit done. 

"Let me come with you!" "Fine! But don't talk! I don't want people to think I'm a furry!"

But this was just the beginning of Shrek's blossoming love for Nimh

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