Chapter 13

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Chapter Summary: Emily and Tara have six weeks to recover from Scratch and work out the details of their new relationship before coming back to the BAU. Follows S13E1, "Wheels Up," and S13E2, "To a Better Place."

Scratch was dead, and the team was on the mend, and Stephen Walker had been laid to rest. They were still wearing black from his funeral when they all filed into the BAU conference room to debrief.

"I wanted to thank you for all your help," Emily said to Matt.

"Well, it was good to be of help," Matt replied, "Ever since the IRT went down, I've been sitting on my hands waiting for a new assignment."

"We should sit down tomorrow," Emily said, "We can talk about that."

"I'd like that," Matt nodded. The rest of the team wasn't far behind Matt, and soon they were all gathered around the table.

"So, we need to discuss what Peter Lewis' death means for this team," Emily said.

"It means that Hotch can come back," Penelope said.

"Yeah, we, uh, spoke to him," Rossi said, "He was relieved that he and Jack are out of danger; they're out of Witness Protection, but, um..."

"He's not coming back, is he?" JJ asked.

"He loves being a full-time dad," Emily said, "He never got to do that before, and let's face it: In this job..."

"There's always gonna be another Scratch," Rossi finished, "And he's lost enough."

"We all have," Tara nodded.

"Yes, we have," Emily said, "Which is why the Director has ordered us to take some time off from handling cases. Six weeks mandatory leave for all of us. So, take your rest—you've earned it—but when we get's wheels up."

The team filed out of the conference room to begin their six weeks of mandatory rest and recovery. Tara and Emily were left alone.

"We should also discuss what this all means for us," Emily said nervously.

"We should," Tara nodded, "But first, can I just..." She wrapped her arms around Emily and hugged her tight. Emily would have hugged Tara back just as tightly, if she hadn't had a fractured rib and internal bleeding. Instead, she rested her head against Tara's shoulder and melted into the embrace.

The office wasn't the place to talk things out, so they drove back to Emily's apartment, where they could finally be alone without any interruptions. There was so much they needed to talk about, but neither of them knew where to start. A heavy silence hung in the air as Emily made Tara a cup of tea and sat beside her on the couch.

"I meant what I said at the hospital," Emily said, "I really am in love with you."

"I meant it, too," Tara replied.

"The whole time Scratch had me," Emily began haltingly, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, "My biggest fear wasn't what he'd do to me. It was not knowing for sure if you were okay after the crash. I was so scared that I might lose you...without ever getting to tell you how much I love you. I've loved you for a while now, Tara. I think maybe I've been in love with you since before I came back from London, and I've just been in denial because...because it was complicated; because it was inappropriate; because I didn't want to make things more difficult for you; because I wasn't sure if you loved me back...But after everything that's happened, I-I just can't pretend anymore. I love you, and I want to be with you, and I don't care about the consequences...but I'll understand if you don't feel the same way. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything that makes you uncomfortable."

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