Before Reset

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Mika walks through the street, on her way to her house. As she thinks of Shiori's strange action and reactions throughout today.

It weirded her out, nevertheless.

Though, her thinking deeply distracted her enough to be the target of these group of female students from other school to be bullied, for simply being number one in her class.

The group attack her, believing in quantity over quality. Due to those belief they were disposed off immediately. They were all down, as she just stared at them.

"I'm number one for a reason dumbass" Mika comments, before continuing to go home.Not noticing the camera.

"Very impressive. Don't you think? Ellen." Westcott asked.

"Indeed, she would be a good addition. Though it seems she's already part of Shiori's harem." Ellen states.

"Awww, that's disappointing." Westcott commented.

As they were about to move on, they felt themselves experiencing fear. They look at the source of their discomfort,  to see a man, in an orange mask and akatsukis cloak.

They launched themselves at him, only to fall halfway as they felt weakened, and vibrations inside them.

Mika entered he home, as shewent to her room and opened the door to see her big sister cuddling with Kuroka, in her human form.

The next day arrived. As Mika listens to the recent announcement of a new transfer student.

She looked at the white-haired girl with long hair, and blue eyes, after asking her to enter. The students gawk at her appearance, as Shiori looked surprised.

Mika noted Shiori's reaction.

Though she gotta admit, she is quite gorgeous. Mika thought.

She introduces herself enthusiastically as "Origami, Tobiichi".
As the students just stared, still stunned at her gorgeous appearance.

Tama sensei looked for a free seat. Coincidentally the free sit is right next to Shiori.

Lunch time arrived, as Mika spotted Shiori going up to the rooftop waiting for someone.

Mika concluded that it's the New transfer student Origami Tobiichi. Afterall she did spot Shiori put a letter, inside Tobiichi's locker.

Finally Mika saw Origami went to her locker, and saw the letter. As she also went to the rooftop. But this time, she followed Origami, wanting to eavesdrop.

Though Mika following Origami, didn't go unnoticed. She was seen by the trio, as they also followed Mika.

As Mika started to listen in, she started to second-guess herself in staying, since it's already lunch, and she's hungry. Starting to leave, but instead was met by the trio who also followed her, and gave her food.

Since that was she's always thinking, during lunch. As the trio also joined in eavesdropping.

Time passed, as classes returned until dismissal. Though during every class Shiori seemed to be spacing out, most of the time.

As dismissal came along, Mika spotted Shiori again going to the rooftop, but she didn't follow her this time, instead she was was ready to go home.

Only for her to be asked by the trio, to show them her progress. As she walks away from her school.

"Hey Mika-chan! Let's see your progress." Ai announced behind her.

"Why!?" Mika asked.

"To see if your taking advantage of it's masochistic perk, ofcourse."
Mai continued.


"It kinda is, since you need to be hurt to get stronger."
Mii comments.

"Yeah right! You just want me to transform!"
Mika retorts.

"Bingo!!" Ai admitted.

"I mean you did unlock all the transformation. Even the blue one!" Mai continued.

"Plus we'll see if you're training your base. Since transformations are useless if your base is weak."
Mii added.

"For the big three of gossips, you three sure are quite an otakus." Mika comments.

"Like we said before, we are closet otakus." The trio shrugs, as Mika sweat dropped.

"and fujoshis." Mika added, silently.

Finally making it to the door, she grabbed the handle.

It was unlock she noticed. The trio soon noticed that it was quiet. Too quiet.

They entered the house, sticking together. As they enter the house, Mika recieved a message from her sister.

She read the message, containing the their location and the time of meeting. An image is also attached, containing a bondaged Haru and Kuroka.

She could only think of the worse.

The trio also looked at the message, then looked at the quiet Mika. Who wears a black stare, as she announced.

"Get ready for tomorrow." Mika said, as the air was filled heat.

They could only agree, as they began to prepare physically and mentally.

Meanwhile Haru asked the perpetrator, who names himself Tobi.

"Why are you doing this?" Haru asked, while tied up.

Tobi just shrugged, as he prepared meals for them. By preaparing, he pulled it out of his kamui dimension.

"What do you mean you don't know!?" Haru asked again, as Kuroka ate the food prepared.

"Why are you eating his cooking!? It might have poison! You know!?" Haru asked Kuroka.

"Well it's the same cooking that nyaster prepared, so why not." Kuroka answered

"T-thats stupid!" Haru retorts.

Tobi just sighed, as he drank his coffee. Waiting for the circus monkey to come. Trying to endure the banter.

I miss my clones. He thought to himself.

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