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'Oh my God, this is happening.' Lonny thought as he walked into the rehearsal studio, looking around the room at the swarm of people setting up amps, checking mics, and testing lights.

He spotted Sage- the drummer for this tour- and quickly made his way over to him, instantly feeling a connection with the younger man solely because they were both the new guys.

"Hey, I'm Lonny." The guitarist introduced himself, holding a hand out to the curly haired boy, his glasses askew on his face when he popped up from working on his kit.

"Hi. Sage. Nice to meet you, man." Sage replied with a friendly smile, shaking Lonny's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, I figured I'd go ahead and break the ice since we're the only new guys." Lonny said, making Sage chuckle.

"Definitely, I've talked to some of the crew though and they're super nice, I've always heard good things about Andy too, so I think we'll be okay... but just in case we should still stick together." Sage said jokingly, bumping shoulders with Lonny.

"Yeah, that'd be for the best." Lonny nodded with a smile. He liked this kid, he was sweet and professional, Lonny knew they would have a good time during the tour.

"Is Andy here yet?" Lonny asked as he shrugged off his jacket, sitting it on top of his guitar case. He and the singer had chatted briefly over email over the past few days, nothing serious or deep, merely professional with a smattering of casual pleasantries.

"Not yet, why? You nervous to meet him?" Sage asked with a cheeky grin, clearly joking around with the guitarist.

Lonny chuckled, trying to make it seem like he wasn't sweating bullets at the thought of meeting one of his favorite artists. "Nah man, I was just a little worried since he just had surgery a few days ago, I wasn't sure if he'd be up to rehearse this soon." He explained. It was mostly true, so he hoped that Sage would buy it.

"Are you kidding? Andy could have two amputated limbs and a broken back and still insist on working!" A man behind them laughed. "I'm Jesse by the way, I've been here for way too long." He introduced himself to Lonny, making the other people around him chuckle in amusement.

"Damn right when I'd have to listen to you bitching because I put your ass out of work." A gravelly voice said. Lonny froze, recognizing the voice instantly.

He turned slowly to see Andy Biersack standing in the doorway with an amused grin on his face, Blasko stood next to him. His voice sounded so different in person and not fed through a speaker. Okay it didn't sound different different, just.... Lonny wasn't sure how to explain it.

Andy was wearing black jeans and a back t-shirt, a cane in his hand as he slowly made his way into the rehearsal space. He was paler than usual, but not to an extreme amount, he still looked... well, perfect. Lonny had a feeling this was going to be a long tour if he didn't get this ridiculous fanboy crush under control.

Andy caught eyes with Lonny and smiled kindly at him, holding a hand out to shake once he was close enough. "Hey, Lonny. Nice to finally meet you in person, Beaux has said a lot of good things about you." Andy introduced himself.

Lonny's body was on autopilot as he shook Andy's hand, smiling back at the slightly taller man. "He might've exaggerated to try and get me the job, so I might be a let down. He's told me a lot about you too."

'What the fuck, Lonny?' Lonny wanted to slap himself.

Thankfully though, Andy snorted at this. "Well if it's Beaux then everything he said about me was probably true so I'll go ahead and apologize for the way I am." He said in a way that could be taken as mock serious, but Lonny knew enough about Andy to be able to tell that there was some underlying truth to his words.

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