So You Kissed Me...

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If Andy wasn't so caught up on what had just happened, he would've laughed at that reaction.

"Yeah." Andy replied, feeling strangely calm about the whole situation. It made sense. They have been dancing around each other for a month if not more. Of course it would lead to this.

Andy was scared. Of course he was! But... he loved Lonny... it was like after that moment between them, every fear Andy had and every 'what if' disappeared and all he saw was Lonny. All he wanted was Lonny.

"Yeah? You just told me Eagleton kissed you and all you have to say is fucking yeah?!" Jesse exclaimed, practically jumping up and down in exasperation. "I knew you had a thing for each other, but I didn't know it's escalated to kissing already!"

"You knew?" Andy asked curiously. He felt like every moment between them was just over exaggerated in his own mind so hearing that other people saw it was shocking to him.

"Andy, everyone on this damn bus knows. Hell, everyone on this damn festival knows if they've seen you around each other for more than eight seconds." Jesse said with an eyeroll, clearly over this. "Buddy, I've known you for almost a decade, I know those puppy eyes when I see them."

Andy chuckled slightly. "That is fair." He replied with a shrug, sitting down on the couch. No point in denying it now.

"You like him a lot, don't you?" Jesse asked, sitting down next to him. He's seen Andy in love before so he knew the answer already, but he still wanted to hear Andy say it.

"I do yeah." Andy sighed, a ghost of a smile on his lips. Jesse gagged, shoving the singer playfully. "Gross! You're in love with him!" He laughed. He was happy for Andy.

"Maybe." Andy mumbled, still smiling.

"Go after him then, dipshit." Jesse said. "You've dealt with a lot of shit, you deserve to be happy." He said more seriously, rubbing Andy's back.

Jesse had been there for everything. He was on that second tour bus with Andy during the Resurrection tour trying to keep the singer in one piece and not kill the band's bassist. It was a rough tour on everyone, but BVB was Andy's. He built thar band from the ground up since he was sixteen. Watching it fall apart was killing him, and Jesse did the best he could to help him through it.

"But what if he-." Andy started to say, but a slap to the back of his head shut him up.

"He fucking kissed you? Are you stupid?" Jesse said, shoving at the singer until he stood up. "Go find him, tell him how you feel and then make out with him."

Andy laughed, making his way down the bunk alley. "Okay, okay! I'm going."

"If he breaks your heart, I'll break his dick and make it squirt blood!" Jesse called after the younger man with a laugh even though he meant every word of it.


Lonny was doing his damndest to avoid Andy. He knew it was childish, but he was embarrassed. How the hell was he supposed to go about explaining this.

Andy hadn't tried to approach him yet, which was good. Lonny wasn't ready to talk about that... well, ever. Let alone in that moment.

He didn't know why he did it. He just wanted to comfort Andy. They were so close, and Andy's lips looked so perfect and soft.

Lonny liked Andy so much it physically hurt. He didn't know what to do anymore at this point. He's crossed a line and he can't take it back. Now he knows what Andy's lips felt like against his own and he'll never be able to look at Andy again without thinking about it.

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