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Prologue part 1

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Prologue part 1


3rd POV

The sun rises, marking another day after IZ*ONE's disbandment.

[name] wasn't used to getting up early in the morning without the shouts of her fellow members. Oh, how she yearned for the crazy energy she and her 12 friends radiate everytime they were together.

But it's been 4 months and she's already moved on.

Sighing, [name] sits up and stretches her limbs before standing up to make the hotel bed. While fixing the crumpled creases on the blanket placed on the bed, she paused for a moment.

So this really is the end, huh? 

It was a day after her last scheduled flight here in Korea, and she was due to board a flight back to Japan the next morning. Time flies by so quicly.

Her home country is Japan. Of course, it's because she grew up there and began her career as a Japanese idol in AKB48 (where she just recently graduated in). That was before she was sent to Korea to participate in the show that officially launched her career as an idol.

[name] checked her phone and noticed it was a day before her birthday, August 23. She was born in 2002, so she was about to reach the age of 20 in Korea.

"An adult.. I'm an adult already." [name] exhaled as she examined the outfit prepared for her to wear, pursing her lips gently, "Didn't Eunbi unnie say turning 20 was a big thing?" [name] didn't give it any more thought as she stepped inside the hotel's bathroom to officially start her day.


The time clicked on the clock as time passed.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon when her manager texted her to pick up an outfit she had been provided with since they needed to run an unplanned errand. [name] is surprised as to why her manager included such an unusual schedule when she was set to fly back to Japan the next day.

[name], a little bit perplexed, exited her room to board the waiting car outside.

"Where are we going manager-nim?" A question left [name]'s mouth as the car starts driving to their upcoming destination.

"You'll see, [name]. And I'm telling you right now that all the decisions will come to you because, after all, it's your career. I want what's best for you and your happiness." After those words left the manager's mouth, the girl couldn't help but feel nervous but touched. She was glad she ended up with a manager like him.

A smile graced her gentle face, but after the words sank in, it was quickly replaced with a confused frown. She couldn't help but ask again, "Wait, what do you mean? Where are we exactly going, manager-nim?"

Unfortunately for [name], the manager didn't even bother to spare her a look and continued driving. Annoyed, the girl opened her mouth to bother him once again but instantly closed it until she noticed an all-too-familiar logo.

Starship Entertainment.

——— NOTE: i added some important details about the reader before publishing chapter 1 to avoid confusion, so please do take note of them! it might be important in future chapters..!



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