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3rd POV

Eyelashes fluttering open, the tall girl glanced at the sleeping beauty right beside her.

She's still asleep.

She stretched her long limbs before admiring the girl beside her. She had this stupid smile on her face, her eyes scanning her features as the light through the window hit her perfectly.

It was just like last night, all over and over again.

Whether it be the moon or the sun, she would always find [name] absolutely breathtaking.

Yujin felt her heart squeeze as she watched her sleep. The girl couldn't figure out why her heart tugged as she watched [name]'s face distort into a little smile. She reached out and gently touched her face, feeling her warmth and the softness of her skin.

Finally breaking out of her daydream, Yujin gently shook the girl awake. "Unnie, it's time to wake up."

Despite the small efforts of Yujin trying to wake the girl up, there was no progress at all. [name] simply whined and moved away from Yujin, causing the latter to scrunch her nose in disdain.

Yujin let out an exasperated sigh as [name] refused to wake up, despite her best efforts to rouse her. She was hungry and wanted to start the day, but [name] was still sound asleep.

As Yujin made to get out of bed, she suddenly felt [name]'s arm wrap around her waist, pulling her back into the bed. Yujin couldn't help but laugh as [name] nuzzled her neck, asking for more cuddles.

"Come on, unnie," Yujin said, trying to sound firm but failing to hide her amusement. "I'm hungry. We need to get up and make breakfast."

[name] groaned and tightened her grip around Yujin. "Can't we just stay in bed a little longer?" she pleaded, her voice still thick with sleep.

Yujin couldn't resist [name]'s request for more cuddles, and so she settled back into bed, snuggling up close to her best friend.

She stroked the older girl's hair till she heard [name] slumber softly. Yujin smiled at [name]. She chose not to wake her up anymore because she appeared exhausted from Yujin disturbing her sleep in the middle of the night.

As she lay there, feeling [name]'s warmth and the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept, Yujin felt herself start to drift off again.

Before she knew it, she had fallen back asleep, the cares of the world melting away as she was enveloped in [name]'s embrace. The two of them slept soundly, wrapped up in each other's arms, oblivious to the passing of time.


Yujin slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them, taking a few moments to fully wake up. As she turned her head, she realized she wasn't alone in her bed. [name] was there, sound asleep beside her. Yujin's heart skipped a beat as she gazed at her best friend's peaceful face.

𝗺𝗶𝘅𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 || an yujinWhere stories live. Discover now