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It's nearly a year later and I have so much to say, yet so little at the same time.

A lot has happened in a year:

-While my past still has a hold on me, I can feel the chains loosening their grip every day, and have hope that one day, I will finally be free from their weight.

-I bought a house. On my own.
As our lease was coming to an end on our previous house, I debated for weeks about whether or not to move back to Virginia or stay in Kansas a little longer. And while I miss my family and friends in Virginia dearly, I wasn't ready to let go of Kansas quite yet.
The friends I have made at my job along with the children I serve everyday have changed my life, and I couldn't picture leaving them. At least not right now.

-I now have a zoo with 6 animals:
Tuck, Critter, Norman, Pandy, Win, and Imagine.
3 kitties and 3 pups.

-I have been at my job over a year now and my outlook has completely changed. It used to cause me immense stress, especially due to me having no boundaries to establish when a work day ends and my personal time begins.  However, with the experience I have gained in my time employed here, I now have a clear understanding of my job which has significantly reduced my stress levels, and I have implemented rules to ensure I have a separation between my job and my life.

-I'm engaged.
Isaiah is my entire world and the one person I know was meant for me. To quote a Wattpad classic which I believe was quoting Emily Brontë, "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."


These are just the major changes that have occurred in the last year and the ones I feel deserve an update the most.

I also want to apologize.
To who, I don't know.
Maybe myself.
But for not writing all this time.
There have been times where I have wished to but when I have sat down to do so, it almost felt forced. It also felt like anything I had to say, wasn't worth an entry.
Or that I wasn't able to articulate what I wanted to say into something that would actually be worth reading.
But I'd like to start writing more, to get my feelings out of my brain and into another space where they can maybe be heard or just exist.
Either is fine with me.

So here's me saying I will try to write more, though I don't know how successful I will be.

Only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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