How the hawk knows the angle

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A/N- Ok so if you can't tell, i changed Y/N's age from 1 to 4 because I can!!.

--4 years ago--

//No One POV//
In a place people would lease expect it, the number three hero was paceing in the league of villans base, before thet even ever came out to the public. Hawks stopped paceing when he heard a cry of a baby. Instead of feeling happy... he felt angry. If that child was somehow still alive then that meant it could take him down. Shigeraki ran pass him and took the baby from the woman and left. Hawks entered the room where the woman was. He just glared at her and then left. Hawks kept near the baby all the time... because he wanted to see if she was worth killing. But every time he had a bad mission or was just in a bad mood, he would text Shigeraki and go over. One of these days it was the babys 3erd birthday, she still hadn't spoken seince no one ever talked around her. Hawks came over to take out some steam and the baby was being so "anoying" in his words. So he raised his hand and slapped her, she started crying which made him more mad. So he started cutting her with his feathers tell her whole back was covered in blood and she was crying none stop. He felt more cooled off so he left. Kurogire had went in and help, and noted how her legs might not work seince she always craled or wanted to be caried, and how she might be mute. He put her to bed and left.
Late that night, M/N (Mothers name) bundled up some blankets to look like you. Then she snuck out and found you, she started running and running tell there was an ally. She laid you there and kissed your head. She then started running the othere way, she got about 5 blocks away tell she was picked up and thrown onto a roof. She looked up and saw Hawkses deadly glare. She knew she wasent gonna get out of this so she accepted her fate... and the next morning the police found her body in the river, but Hawks made sure that it looked like she had killed herself. Kurogire had found Y/N but instead hid a little bit away and spoke.
"thank you... please keep her safe... Eraserhead..." Kurojire spoke as he remeberded the note he wrote quickly so Eraserhead would think she was abanded.

--Current Time--

//YN POV//
After I told them this they where shoked.
"Wait a minute, your acrtully 4 years old?!" Midnight said as she stood up ing shock.
"Yes... but I was so small that people thought I was 1..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. I looked at dad who was sitting in silance.
"Dad?... are you ma-" before I could finish my question, dad pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let me go.
"Im sorry..." That was all he said. For the rest of the night me and dad just snuggled on the couch tell we both fell asleep. I felt safer and more happy now that dad knew the truth and I don't have to run anymore and I can finnaly have a careing family.

A/N- So this was a shorter chapter and a lot of things... AND LOOK, this is chaptur 10 so Thank you all so much so far for reading and supporting my story. Also Im going to start anouther story about Attack On Tittan Oneshots so ill let you guys know when Its published.

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