1 year later

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//No One POV//
It was Mic's and Aizawa's weeding day. Mic was wearing a whight tuxedo, whall Aizawa wore a black one. Y/N was the flower girl. Everyone from class 1A was there... except Mineta... Everything was going good so Y/N cheacked on her Mamma.

//Y/N POV//
I was walking to Mamma and saw him paseing the room. I walked behind him and he jumped when I tapped his shoulder.
"Mamma... you ok?" I ask softly.
"Yes sweetheart its juts... what if Sho hates me?, what if he regreats it?, What if I fall down the ile?!" Mamma was freaking out so I grabbed his face by the cheeks and looked him the eyes.
"Mamma... Dad loves you more then anything in this world!, he will never regreat getting married to you and if you fall then I will fall to!" I say as I star shaking Mamma by the sholders. Mamma sighed and nodded.
"Your right sweetheart." Mamma smiled and I left the room the cheack on dad... and that was a lot. He was crying on the floor... in the corner... and All Might was laughing.
"D-Dad?" I as confused. Dad looked at me and hugged me.
"My babyyyyy.... You made ittttt." Dad said. I smelled his breath and it smelled like alchole, I looked at All Might.
"What. Did. You. DO?!" I say sternley.
"He was anxios so I gave some of Midnights drink. I sighed and looked at dad.
"Dad... you need to go get ready... Its your wedding..." I say softly. Dad looked at me shocked.
"Oh ya... Im getting married to the pretiest man ALIVE!!" Dad yelled the last word which made me have to hold back laghing. I gave Dad to All Might to finish getting him ready. I then went out and saw everyone chating and then saw th punch. Mamma told me not to have some but why not. I poured a cup and drank it, but after I felt weird... like a little buzz. Ant Midnight came over and saw me.
"Hey Y/N hav-" She froze when she saw me drinking the punch.
"Y/N... how much punch have you drank?" Midnight kneeled down to my hight.
"a-a cup... mabey two..." I said as I was about to finish my glass but Midnight grabbed it and took it. She then picked me up and ran to Mamma. When Mamma saw me he froze.
"MIC!!" Midnight yelled as she put me infront of Mic.
"What is it Midnight?" Mamma asked as he looked at me then at Midnight.
"so... Y/N drank the punch.."
"WHAT?!" Mamma screamed an dthen kneeled down and looked me in the eyes.
"Y/N... sweetheart... How much did you drink?"
"L-Like... a cup..." I said as I started to giggle. Mamma looked shocked and quickly handed me a glass of water. I looked at the clock and freaked out.
"Mamma... Its time!" We all looked at the clock an freaked out. Mamma and me ran to the door and soon i came out and threw the flowers around. Dad saw how I had a light blush but thought nothing of it. Then Mamma came out and then they said some stuff then kissed. I smiled and started chearing wih everyone else tell everything went black.

//Mic POV//
We where just selabrateing tell I saw Y/N fall to the ground.
"Y/N?!" I quickly ran over and grabbed her and saw she was just asleep and I sicghed. i then sat her down and went back to selabrating.

From then on Y/N went on to become a hero and to grow up fighting for people she loved. She did vist Hawks but she then beat his ass. When she was 20 she saved a little boy who was abused and so she decided to adopte him. She has been number 8 hero in Japan for three years. She has done many things and she still vistes her Mamma and Dad.
The End

A/N- I am gonna start working on the next fanfic so I would like to thank you all for reading. I hope to see you guys at my next fanfic.

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