Back to the past Part 1

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//No one POV// 
As Y/N, also known as pro hero Light Angle, stands on a roof top, looking at a photo of her adopted son, Ken. When she adopted Ken, she was worried that he would get hurt but he's been ok since he got his quirk. She suddenly got pulled from her thoughts was her phone ringing, so she quickly picked it up. 
"What's up?" Y/N asked as she put the photo back in her pocket, she didn't even look at the caller. 
"Hello pro hero Light Angel~" a deep and menacing voice said on the other line. Y/N froze when she heard this and quickly looked at the caller ID... It was Ken. 
"Who is this? why do you have my son's phone?!" Y/N demanded as she started to fly to Ken's school. 
"Oh~, me and Ken are just... having a chat~" The person on the other line said as Y/N arrived at Ken's school and learned he had been picked up early. 
"What do you want?!" Y/n demanded as she started to pace in front of Ken's school. 
"Meet at the abandoned factory in the mountains before 11 pm... then you'll have your son." The person said before the phone hung up. Y/N wad furious, she quickly started flying to the police and landed in front of the police station and slam opened the door and ducked under and walked inside, even though when Y/N was smaller when she was younger, around when she was 13, she had a huge growth spurt and was now very tall, somewhere around 6'8-7 feet tall. 
"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE POLICE CHIEF!!" Y/N yelled as everyone looked at her and froze, Y/N was #15 on the hero charts and was known not to get on her bad side. The police chief ran over and looked up at Y/N. 
"Light Angle... why are you yelling?!" he asked with an annoyed face. Y/N looked down at him, trying to hold back tears. 
"Someone... kidnapped my kid...” Y/N said as she looked down at the police chief, the police chief sighed and lead Y/N into his office to talk and plan.

//Sometime later// 

Y/N stood in front of the villain as she was trying to keep her cool. 

“I'm here... now give me my son!” Y/N said as she reached her hand out. The villain had Ken in their arms to keep him from running, little did the villain know that there was some other heroes were hiding behind a nearby wall. 

“No... but you’ll get to see him go...” The villain said as they placed a hand on Ken’s head, Y/N started running to grab him, but Ken disappeared. Y/N pinned the villain to the ground as the other hero's came out of hiding. 

“WHERE IS MY SON!!” Y/N screamed as pro-hero Deku and Ground Zero ran over and pried her from the villain as the police arrest the villain. It took both the heroes to keep Y/N from killing the villain. The villain turned and smirked at Y/N. 

“Not where... when...” The villain said with a smirk whall the police took them away. 

//Ken POV//

I was being held by the villain tell everything went black. Next, I see is I'm on the ground and look around and see... Grandpa?... 

“Grandpa?” I asked as I looked up at grandpa. Grandpa looked at me shocked as I hear people behind me scream. 

“GRANDPA!!!” People behind me scream as I turn around and see all my aunts and uncles but... younger. I ran over and hugged auntie Mina and looked up at her. 

“Anite Mina! I wanna go home!” I said as Anite Mina picked me up. 

“Did you just call me Anite?” Anite Mina asked as I nodded. 

“Ya... Anite Mina when can I come over and see Uncle Enjiro?...” I asked with a curiosa look on my face. Anite Mina blushed and looked at me in shock tell I jumped out of her hands and ran and hide behind Uncle Iida’s legs once I saw Uncle Mineta. 

Aizawa's Angel (Aizawa x Fem Child Reader) {COMPLET}Where stories live. Discover now