° Toman founder day out °

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" How can you be that tall , Ken ? "

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" How can you be that tall , Ken ? "

It been a few day after the surprise from before so~ Where am I ?



" Is that so? I mine now " 。◕‿◕。

" Wha- This brat! "

" HAHAHA The way you guys remind me of the past " Baji laughed as Tora continue his word " what are you a married couples? " He ask more in testing manner . I was silent not until a loud shout can be hear

"" THERE NO WHERE I'M GOING. TO MARRY SOMEONE LIKE THIS SHORTY/BALDY "" both Jiro-nii and Ken shout at the same time making the other burst into laughter

After all the events all of us go ride the bike around shibuya

" This place look familiar but different did I sleep for that long " accidently said my thoughts out loud , making others look at me

Oh well I'm on the same bike as Mikey currently!! " What ? " I look at the confused " You said your thoughts out loud Emi " Mikey said making me red from embarrassed

That right a lot of things have changed ' no seriously I thought I sleep not that long right ? ' I thought as I look around and space out

Little did I know we already arrived

" This restaurant.... " I muttered as I look at Mikey and the others and they smile at me in return I smiled back and run to hug them

 " I muttered as I look at Mikey and the others and they smile at me in return I smiled back and run to hug them

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" Thank you MINNA !! " I said as I run inside

And look around while the others  just laughed it out and follow me inside


As I look around I noticed same change but still , this place is my favourite place in this world ( to eat ) of course

I'm Reincarnated as Emma twin • Tokyo revengers fan-fiction Reincarnated Where stories live. Discover now