16. Wisteria

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Bryce’s POV

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Bryce’s POV

“Keep your eyes closed.” Max said. We had just biked out to a far out area. It’s definitely somewhere I’ve never been before.

“Well I mean, I already have a blindfold on my eyes.” I stood in a grassy patch, from what my senses could feel. Max put a blindfold over my eyes and walked me to a different spot. 

I used my other senses to try and guess where I was. I felt a slight breeze but the sun was still hitting my back so it must be a clear area. But we left in the late afternoon so it’s not night. Maybe late sunset. I heard the sound of a stream nearby. I don’t remember there being a stream near us. I tasted… apple pie from my lunch earlier. 

“This blindfold feels kinda kinky. Are you there, Mr. Grey?” I asked. I held out my hands to try and feel around.

“Okay. Now you can take it off.” He said. I undid the blindfold and was met to the sight of Max standing at the root of a tree.

The tree was a wisteria tree, with purple branches of flowers reaching down, like a willow tree. The closest part near the ground had several light bulbs, glowing like the stars. And under that, in the grass, was a blanket with several snacks for us.

“How’d you like it?” He asked with a blush and smile on his face.

“I love it!” I said.

“Come! Sit!” He said. I sat cross-legged next to him. I wore shorts and showed off my strong legs. And a tight shirt. My entire outfit is to make Max as turned on as possible.

“What is this place?” I asked, looking around. The stream was right next to us, flowing in the same direction as the sun was setting.

“There’s an elderly man who put these bulbs in a long time ago. I met him when we did that senior citizen project in Malone’s class. Since then, he’s let me come here when I want to be one with nature.”

“Well, it’s beautiful.” I looked at Max, his smooth face glowing with the lights. “Just like you.” 

“Oh, shush you!” He giggled. “Let’s eat!” He opened a pack of sandwiches for us.

“Did you bring mustard?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

“Hmmmm. I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” He sighed.

“Never.” He pulled out apple juice, which I’ve grown to love. Apple pie, a favorite of mine suddenly. And several more snacks.

“Never pegged you to be a romantic.” I said.

“There's a lot more I could show you.” He said. My dick jolted a bit.

“Not yet. But I hope soon.” I snarkily replied

We spent the next hour just eating and talking. Just simple talking, accompanied by giggles and small kisses here and there.

“Stand up with me.” He said. I stood up and grabbed his hand. But my legs stumbled a bit from sitting down so long. I fell backwards, pulling him with me. He landed on top of me and gasped.

“Oh God! I’m sorry.” He panicked. I rubbed his back.

“I’m not.” I said softly right at his face.

I stared into his bright blue eyes. I pushed one of his curls behind his ears.

I pulled his head down to meet my lips. I kissed him and he kissed back. It was simple kisses but then we started to pick up the speed. I slid my tongue over his lips. He refused until I grabbed his ass.

“HEY-!” He opened his mouth temporarily but then I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

We swapped saliva, and I enjoyed nothing more.

“Mmm.” He moaned

“How about next time I take you somewhere?” I said.

“I guess.”

“Great. Bring some comfy clothes. We're gonna be playing football.” I whispered in his ear before planting a kiss on his temple.

” I whispered in his ear before planting a kiss on his temple

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bye! i love you all!


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