Chapter 12

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There's gotta be at least one person that would believe us, help us Vallia said pushing the disappointment from last night's events.

I've narrowed our options down to three people Vallia said and those are? I asked. Dana Barrett Ray Stantz and Louis Tully Chaira answered

Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddemore would help you find Lexi but they wouldn't believe you they wouldn't believe us Winston certainly didn't and so the three girls went to Dana Barrett's apartment Vallia gently knocked on the door.

Who is it? Dana asked peering through the little peephole in her door when she saw it was us she quickly opened the door letting us inside.

Dana is it okay if I call you Dana? Phoebe didn't wait for an answer before she continued. Do you know Aron DuBaer?

Aron as in the leader of the forces of light? Dana asked. Yes that Aron Vallia said happily well I've heard tales about him but never actually seen him why do you ask? Dana asked.

Well I... believe that Chiara  and Vallia are the daughters of Aron... You think I'm crazy don't you? Not at all Dana replied only Egon and Elon Spengler and my sister actually saw him I don't know if anyone else did I didn't have the pleasure he died before I could meet him though my sister did talk about him quite a bit.

It makes me wonder what Aron looked like. Phoebe , Chiara  and Vallia smiled thanks Dana Phoebe said before the three girls made their way to Louis Tully's apartment.

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