Chapter 20

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What? Why would you do that?
You just double dipped! Karsh said

Oh. l'm sorry McKenna said
Well, now you've ruined the whole bowl. Please, just... Karsh said

Right said Mckenna. Disgusting Karsh said

l've got all the forces of darkness
out to get me, my protectors are nowhere to be found, my so-called sister is dancing the night away. l am not just gonna sit here!

But l don't have to. l opened the door to Coventry before, so l can do it again. l'm the daughter of Elon.

To Coventry. Yes! Yes! l knew l could do it! l knew l could open... Where the heck am l?

Pheebs? l'm sorry. l was just being
my usual petty and jealous self. Why shouldn't you be excited about finding your sister? Even one you never knew you had. l'm sorry it didn't go the way
you wanted it to, but l wouldn't give up.

l think you should talk to her. l really think we should go to that party.
lt'll be fun. We can mock people mercilessly. Come on. You know you love doing that.

Pheebs ? Pheebs? Betty said oh, you did not go to Waverly without me.
You are so lucky it's your birthday she added.

Why hasn't it come yet? Karsh said.

Be patient. The moment has to be precise Illeana said. What? l'm building up my strength she added.

everybody's having a really great time. Why aren't you? l am having a great time. Good time. OK time. l'm fine, really. l just have a lot on my mind, that's all Lexi said. Just give me five minutes. l promise l'll be better.

OK, fine. Five minutes. But if you're not back, we are gonna start opening your presents without you.

What is it, boy trouble? Thomas asked Unlikely Bea replied. Wardrobe malfunction? Then what's wrong? Thomas said

Let's see what l can find out.

OK, l'm a sensitive man.
l'm your father. l can do this. l've read all the books. This is what
l've trained for. This is the moment. OK Thomas said before saying You... you can do it, honey. Yes, you can.

No one can blame you for being distracted. You really have had quite the day.

This girl... Phoebe Lexi finished.

Phoebe Are you sure she's your sister and not just somebody who looks a lot like you?

Mom, we're sisters. Trust me. Well, l think that's pretty wonderful Emily said So do l Lexi replied.

So, why isn't she here? Emily asked

That's complicated. There's, well... She really wanted to find our birth mother,and l'm happy here.

Lexi Elizabeth is this about me? Are you afraid of hurting my feelings? - No Lexi said. Good. Because you have no reason to feel that way. If there's anything that l know, it's that love is infinite.You can always make more
when you need it. And just because you wanna give some to somebody else doesn't mean that you'll take any away from me.

Mom! l love you! Lexi said l love you, too Emily replied. See what l mean? Now, what do you say we head back up to the party? lt's getting late, and your father hasn't even started embarrassing you yet.

There's, uh, more Lexi said.

More than a twin sister? Emily asked

Well...Phoebe and l aren't from here. And l don't mean just here-here. l mean, this dimension, here.

Come again? Emily asked

We're actually from this whole other...
Well, l don't actually know what it is. But when we were born, there was this war going on, and our father was killed. Our protectors hid us from the Darkness, but it's found us, and it won't stop until it destroys everything
and sucks all the life out of the universe.

Oh, Lexi, where is all this coming from? I haven't heard you talk like this since you were a little girl. Did l tell you this before? You used to wake up screaming, just from the most frightening dreams, and it was always about this darkness coming to get you. Oh, and that face you used to draw.

l used to draw faces?

Coming out of the darkness. lt's no wonder you were scared. They were horrible and slightly disturbing drawings, although your father thought that they had an early Edvard Munch quality about them.

A face coming out of the Darkness? Do you remember what it looked like? Don't ask me. lt was your imagination. Although l'm sure we saved it in one of your scrapbooks upstairs. Lexi!

Stop! We've gotta get you out of here

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Stop! We've gotta get you out of here.
No! Everybody, they're in danger.

No, trust me, it's you that he wants.
We've gotta get you to Coventry.
lt's the only place where you might be safe. Front door!

The door won't hold for long

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The door won't hold for long. Up here! l've opened a portal
in the bedroom.

Karsh, wait! Where are you going?
Go. l'll fend it off as long as l can.

No! Lexi said

Hurry! Just go, please!

Be strong. OK? Yeah.

You're a couple?
Off and on again for the last 21 years.

You're a couple?Off and on again for the last 21 years

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Go! Hurry! You don't have much time!
Aah! Karsh!

What's happening? - l don't know! l don't care! My baby needs me! Emily said as he she and Thomas ran up the stairs

Leave me alone! l don't want my powers! Just then the door was kicked down revealing Phoebe she grabbed Lexi's hand pulling her into a door that she had opened the two ended up at the ghostbusters firehouse which had gotten rebuilt.

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