Jokes on you - spn ocs

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Characters: asmodeus, Sarah singer-Macleod, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester.

Mentioned characters: Gabriel

TW: mentions of/brief r4pe, past prostitution, torture

Takes place Before Gabriel gets rescued by the British asshole

3rd person pov

"Swallow it whore." Asmodeus growled, holding Sarah up by her long red hair. She spit his seed straight back at him, resulting in her getting slapped. She hated everything about asmodeus. His southern accent, his cheap ass white suit, how he put her in a human that looked like her when she was alive, and how he used her as his own personal flesh light.

"F..f..fuck you..." She said, staring at him with visible anger.

She opened her mouth and she escaped her vessel, green smoke coming out.

Drag me to death, like a lit cigarette. Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips.

She returned to her original vessel. She felt much more at home in the green eyed, bleach blonde, A cup, Australian girl. She remembered when she covered up his crimes. That got her into doggy style on the floor 24/7. 

Ive lied for you, and I liked it too, but my knees are bruised from kneeling to you.

I've had enough, but you're too hard to quit. We've had our fun, but your sugar makes me sick.

She felt horrible for her older brother Gabriel, constantly getting tortured both mentally and physically. The rape he was forced to watch, and then get bits of his grace stolen. It was sickening. Sarah knew what right and wrong were, mainly from the prostitution she participated in that got her publicly executed.

I've lied for you, and I liked it too, but my makeups ruined.

And now I'm laughing through my tears, crying through my fears, but baby if I had to choose...

immediately she went for her surrogate brothers. She walked in the bunker, jumping on a few of the steps.

"Hey Sam, Dean, I have to tell you something."

The jokes on you

The jokes on you

God knows I've tried to be kind but I won't just lay down and die wearing a fake smile

The jokes on you.

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