At the rooftop once more~

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Umm... Thank you so much for reading this umm..trash.. Gomen

Thanks again, this chapter is to apologise for posting late for Hellhole... I forgot to click the submit button... Sorry

Happy reading! 


"Keiko, hurry," You whisper softly. "OK!" she smiled. As you two made your ways to your seats, you look under your table and see some of your notes, torn. "..." 


After class, you take your phone, box of cigarettes and headphones/earpiece, walking towards the backdoor of the class to try and enjoy break. 

"Hey bitch, why you wearing that ugly back hoodie? To ugly to show your face?" a girl mocked. Some other mf s behind her began to smirk. "Umm, excuse me, but I hate to break it to you that you aren't any better. Plus, a bitch is a female dog, and dogs are beautiful. Soo are you stating that I am beautiful?" you shot back. "For one thing I know is that a dog, or bitch, is DEFINITELY better looking as compared to you, so kindly fck off." you smile. 

You bump your shoulder on the mf. 

A certain blonde from the other side of the class smirked at the act. He stood up from his seat and followed you. But before leaving, he turned and smirked once more to the fuming mf s. 

" Want some ice for the burn?" 

-Timeskip to the rooftop-

"Finallyy," You sigh. 

"思想とは某半々の疾病ともう半々の傲慢を" ( A thought is actually half disease, half arrogance—) 

"汚水で割った後にたっぷりとぬるま湯に"(diluted by sewage, marinated by lukewarm water,) 

"け込んだ脳に溶け込んだ 糖" (sugar melted into our brains) 

"瑕瑾 課金 発禁だらけのお祭り騒ぎさ" ( Defects In-app purchases Sale bans Revelry full of these) 

"ただ私の眼には公害が" (But in my eyes, This looks like nothing) 

" ティーパーティーしている風にしか見えない" ( but pollution having a tea party.) 

You hum along. 'Wozwald' just continued playing in your headphones /earpiece. 

Puffs of smoke could be smelled from your lit cigarette. Soon, you took it out to switch to another cigarette.

Just as you were about to insert the cigarette into your mouth, a strawberry lollipop was stuffed into your mouth. 

" Miss! It's not good to smoke!" a blonde haired boy said, frowning. He stood in front of you. You thought he looked too familiar, but you didn't know why. 

"Umm, what do you know?" you raised a brow. "Ummmmmm.. Good question.. I dunno... I know is.. harmful!" he sweat dropped. 

".. Wow.. Thanks for the free lollipop by the way," You mumbled. 

"My names Atsumu Miya! But please call me Atsumu, I have an annoying twin and im OBVIOUSLY the better twin," he grinned proudly. 'Miya...' you think. 

Saved From Suicide ~ (Osamu Miya x Y/N x Atsumu Miya)Where stories live. Discover now