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*Beep Beep Beep*

"Augh fuck, what time is it?" I say, rolling over.

I look at the clock on my bed side table and it reads 7.35 AM

"Crap, I'm late again"

First period starts at 8, and I live about a fifteen minute walk away from school, so I probably won't make it in time.

I don't really care though, as I'm never on time and no one except the teacher cares.

I throw my legs over the side of my bed and sit, looking for any clean clothes on my bedroom floor. I get up and put on a black jumper and ripped black skinny jeans.

Even during the summer, I always wear black clothing. I just feel safer in it than other colors, and stains are only faintly visible.

I notice that my cat is sleeping on the edge of my desk chair, and I quietly approach it. While gently petting it, it purrs softly before opening it's eyes and licking my hand.

Soon after, I run downstairs and avoid looking at the kitchen, since the mere thought of food makes me sick.

I get out the front door and start my walk towards school.

The sky is beautiful as always, but something feels different today.

As I walk along the side walk of a road, I notice a few seniors from my school driving a really nice Lamborghini. They snicker at the sight of me, but I just flip them off in return.

About ten minutes later, I see students chatting and laughing in front of a large, brick building.

'Oh, class hasn't started yet'

As I approach the main hall, I notice an unusually large gathering in front of my English class. I get closer to see what's happening, and through all of the people, I notice a new face.

It's a boy, about 6 foot 3, with beautiful curly black hair and silky dark skin.

While scanning through the crowd, I catch his eye and he looks me up and down. Then, he... winks at me?

I think that's the first time anyone from my school actually acknowledged me.

I start blushing and turn a dark crimson color, he notices and laughs it off.

Who is this guy, and why did he notice me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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