Liar, liar

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"A little bit of this and", the lady drags out the word 'and' as she takes out some ointment from her purse and applys it to my eye.

"That should do the trick. Don't worry your eye isn't swollen, it's just red." She looks at me with a smile and I return one back.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to do this." I stammer out. She shakes her head waving me off.

"It's fine, really. I'm on break anyway." Suddenly her phone went off with a ring and she put up her pointer finger and excused herself. As she answered the call she turned away from me revealing her back to me. I awkwardly sit on the bathroom counter politely waiting for her to finish her call.

And maybe I did a little eavesdropping.

"Dont worry, I've got this. You just sit back and wait for this to fall in place." She must be talking about a company deal. She turns around after the call had ended and asked me to come with her somewhere. I wasn't going to be rude even though I was unsure of where she was going to take me. The lady and I walked into a busy room with workes everywhere in the little box offices. The keyboard tapping and constant calls filled the room.

There were some works with stacks of paper in there hand walking surprisingly fast without a care, but they looked so focused at the same time. I carefully make my way around the busy room without accidentally interuppting someone.

"The door is just to your right and once you make that turn, you go straight so that you can see the entrance door, got it?" I nod at her and giving her one last thank you before following directions. Even walking out the work room it still seemed expensive and well fashioned.

While walking outside down the sidewalk, I get something vibrating on my butt. I take out my phone from my back pocket and see a notification from Lottie. My eyes widen and my feel my heart racing with panic. I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and I get weird stares from people around me. The anxiety shoots through the roof of what Lottie could have potentially texted me.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Your in so much trouble"

"Wait till Blythe here's about this"

My mind races as I expect her to text me. It has to be nothing good obviously. I try my best to take deep breaths but my mind still goes off the walls as I think about the disaster waiting waiting me back at the penthouse. I open the text with shaking fingers and it read,

Coming home in about 20 min. I brought a surprise!!

Like I said. Nothing good. I look out into the road in hopes for a taxi to catch my eyes. Usually a main character would easily attract a taxi,but in this case there's no way I can. I run off to the end of the sidewalk almost into the street. I wave my hand around for the upcoming taxi before me. Despite of feeling embarrassed I yell and shout trying to get my potential driver a look over here.

He pulls up in front of me and I couldn't gave got in the car faster. I tell him to drop me off at my Penthouse residence and he nods not needing any further directions. It was as if he was driving slow on a 40 speed limit, and my patience was also running slow.

"I'm sorry sir but, do you mind picking up the pace? I'm in bit if a rush here." I ask him kindly as I can be.

"Listen lady, everyone needs to be somewhere fast. Your not special." He grunts. For the rest of the ride I'm as quiet as a mouse. I give him 50 dollars for the ride even if that's not the amount he needs. I cut off the doorsman regular greet when I spoke past them. I quickly go to the elevator, not caring about how scared I am on it. I tell the bellhopper what floor I'm headed and he presses the floor button for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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