Break the Ice, and Break In

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(Two Little Cameo in this Chapter, But That's it, Just Cameos, Think Nothing More)

It was the next day, with both (Y/N) and Poison Ivy were ready to enact their plan. It was a break in at Arkham Asylum, Home for the Criminally Insane. This 'Mr Freeze' had been locked up here as Arkham could house his unique condition. Bane pulled the car up to the main entrance, waiting for his masters to leave as he would get into position. Both (Y/N) suited up as Thorn stepped out, and Ivy, now dressed in a tight fitting bright green catsuit, showing off her tight curves. The car pulled away, as the two looked up at the prison which was located on the edge of a cliff strangely enough. 

"Remember the plan?" (Y/N) asked as they approached the door entry to walk in, as both would go in different directions once entered. 

"Course I do, you know yours?" Ivy asked, looking up at (Y/N) who had his jacket done up to not draw too much attention. 

Rolling his eyes, (Y/N) tug into his pockets and pulled out what seemed to be a small test tube which was empty. "Yes I am the one who came with the plan" he annoyingly replied with a smirk. (Y/N) then opened the door, with Ivy giving a smirk as she walked in, with him following. Some eyes were instantly glued to the two, more so on Ivy as she approached the front desk. 

"Excuse me" she said to the security guard as she blew a small wave of pheromones at him. "I'm Victor Fries sister, was wondering if you could help?" asked with a devilish smirk. While Ivy was lead deep into the Asylum, (Y/N) pushed through an open door and a journey himself. As Ivy went to meet the iceman, (Y/N) would find a suitable escape route. 

The Asylum itself was a madhouse, laughter and screams filled the unguarded hallways. Standard lunatics, thugs, people who clearly needed help. Scanning one hallway, (Y/N) noticed a name that seemed familiar; 

'Edward Nygma' 

(Y/N) recalled that name, he was someone who also worked at Wayne Enterprises. Only met him a handful of times, seemed to be a bit of a know it all. Very weird, a loud annoying laugh as well. A part of (Y/N) was actually intrigued on to why he all of people was in Arkham, sure he was little weird but most humans were. The hybrid moved to open the small window on the door to look into the cell. 

That's when (Y/N) realised why Nygma was in here;

That's when (Y/N) realised why Nygma was in here;

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He was complete batshit insane. Wearing toilet paper across his body, creasing down his sleeves and flapping them like a Bat. 

"I'M BATMAN!" he cried like a made laugh, causing (Y/N) to quickly close the window, slightly disturbed. Seems as if he had also encountered Batman at some point, and not taken his defeat well. His mind was completely broke, shattered like a window with only small shards of sanity remaining.

"Can I help you?" a feminine voice called from behind (Y/N) startling the hybrid slightly. Since this was a woman, (Y/N) subtly unbuttoned his jacket, wanting to test his skills. "Excuse me" the voice called out, sounding impatient. 

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