Chapter 1

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Hey beautiful people,

Just a warning. This book is an erotica, which means 18+, so if you are uncomfortable with sex and adult stuff, please don't read my books. But if you are a nymphomaniac like me, go ahead ;)

Also guys, for the better understanding of the stories, I'd also like to give you the order in which the books should be read:

1)Nathaniel Lachlan

2)Aaron Riverwood

3)Landon Chambers

4)Danika Williams

5)Mary Redferne

6) Emily Warner

PS this book is set up in the 1960s

Mary Redferne

I was in the car, tapping my foot restlessly as the driver drove inside the gates of a mansion of the guy I was about to marry in a few months.

Yeah I know, crazy!

I never thought that I'd settle for an arrange marriage but I didn't mind it right now. I've been communicating with my fiancé for a long time now over letters.

We met each other when we were kids and played together, but around the age of eleven, he moved schools. A few months ago, we started writing letters to each other and I really started to like him. I know it was kind of dumb to like a guy just over letters but I did, I couldn't help it.

This was the first time we were meeting, I was excited to see him after so many years. He had mentioned excessively in the letters that he was a very good looking guy, which kind of annoyed me but I think I can live with a guy who had one tiny flaw. He was a little full of himself, otherwise we got along really well.

As I arrived at the front porch, I saw him standing outside just like he promised he would be. In the last letter we wrote to each other, we decided to meet each other outside his house, at 2 pm sharp.

He was wearing grey formals, just like he told me he would be wearing. Now this may sound corny, but we were going to greet each other with a big hug and our first kiss ever. Now that explains my nervousness.

But I was going to follow the mantra I always follow.

Don't think, just do it!

"Hey!" I called him as I ran up to him, he turned around and my breath got caught in my lungs. He was right, he was the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on.

Tall built man in a well fitted suit with beautiful grey eyes and ruffled dark brown hair, his face was so symmetrical, almost like he was Adonis. I gulped as I took in his entire personality, he had a small scar over his eyebrow but other than that he was the definition of perfection.

I quickly envelope him in a hug, taking him by surprise which caused him to stumble a little. He had a mysteriously arousing masculine scent. I shivered internally a little because it's been a while since I've been in a man's embrace or even touched by a man.

I could feel his unsure muscular hands circle around my waist meekly, I slightly break the hug to look at him. He had a look of confusion spiraled over his ridiculously attractive face. Maybe he doesn't understand who I am yet. I can't blame him, last he saw me was when I was 11.

His nervousness was kind of cute.

I smile timidly before pulling his neck down and kissing him square on his mouth. I tasted his soft lips and I knew I was already unbelievably attracted to this man I was going to marry. I moved my lips against his still ones as electricity passed through my veins, I've never ever felt this sensation before.

Mary Redferne (Damsels Causing Distress Series 2)Where stories live. Discover now