Chapter 4

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Mary Redferne
"I am telling you! Joseph is ignoring me!" I say as I look at Judith, laying on my bed, flipping through trashy magazines. She came here last night after she learned that I was boring myself to death in this huge ass mansion.
I had no one to entertain me or even talk to me. Joshua and I have had some surprisingly good conversations but he wasn't there the way Joseph was. He wouldn't make me his priority.
I know that's a lot to expect but I am his guest. It's wrong to call me somewhere and then, talk on the telephone for 30-45 minutes because it's 'business'.
I didn't like a lot of things about Joshua. He was never on time, it was never his fault because he had a perfectly valid reason for everything, making me look like a person who doesn't understand him. I haven't felt an emotional connection with him. He seems a bit superficial and a person who lacks depth.
Or maybe he just takes time to open up?
"Are you sure?" Judith asks waving her hand in front of my face to bring me out of my daze.
"Yes, pretty sure, it's been a week. He is nice but he doesn't talk to me. He is always rushing somewhere. I don't understand why. He was my only friend here. Thankfully you are here now." I say as I hug her a little before falling flat on the bed.
Yes, I was frustrated.
"A week? Yeah then he is probably ignoring you. But why are you putting yourself through hell, just confront him. Maybe hold a knife to his neck then-"
"You are crazy but we'll call that Plan B." I joke as I consider her idea. Yes, I need to find him alone somewhere without Joshua butting in.
I looked at Judith, who was engrossed in an article about me, where the media was probably wondering why I haven't been seen at any bars.
I just want them to leave me alone.
"So what are we going to do here? Are you seriously marrying this guy, Redferne? I really don't think it's a good idea but again I don't know Joshua so well." She says as she shakes her head in disapproval. She did not like Joshua and I don't blame her.
Judith and I hated each other when we first started working together, but because of our jobs we were put through such crazy situations that we became best friends.
As I was about to reply, a maid walked in, inviting us downstairs for dinner. I looked at my dress for a second and was considering changing it. My in laws were a bit strict so I thought I might start out by following their rules and then, break each one of them, one by one.
But Judith furrowed her eyebrows, "Don't you dare change what you are wearing just because someone might not like it." She says before walking out, making me laugh. My dress wasn't that bad anyways. It was low neck but didn't show my cleavage.
We sat down at the dinner table as Mrs. McKinnon started serving the food with the maids while Mr. McKinnon and Joshua talked about business. My eyes lit up as Joseph entered the room, wearing casual clothes but he looked so good.
He picked up a plate, serving some food for himself and then sitting down in front of me. I smiled as Mrs. McKinnon patted him on his back before making a plate for Joshua.
"And I am guessing this unimaginably handsome gentleman is Joseph Lachlan." Judith whispers in my ear, making me nod my head.
"So Mary, what did you make today?" I looked at Mr. McKinnon, who looked like the typical jolly chubby rich man.
"I don't understand. What do you mean?" I ask him as I take a bite of my delicious food.
"Well, you've been here for a week now, I thought you might have familiarized yourself with the kitchen. Anyways, it will be yours once you get married." He said it as if he is giving me some good news and I should thank him for his kindness.
Judith just looked at him, she was waiting for someone to laugh as she thought this was definitely a joke.
"Oh no. I can't cook. I mean I know enough to survive but not to make such a delicious meal." I say as I look at Joseph, who was trying his best not to look at me.
Seriously, what the hell?
"Oh that's okay. You can start learning now. Florence will teach you." He says as he looks at his wife.
"No, I don't think I will cook. I would be working, I won't have time and anyways, I think you have enough help around the house." I say as I look around at some maids standing around.
"Darling, we are a very progressive family. But just because women work and are allowed to do the things men are supposed to do, doesn't mean that they should forget what their actual duties are." He says to me with a smile but it was a fake smile. His nostrils were flared. He wasn't happy with my nonchalant answers.
"I don't think-"
"Mary, just listen to dad." Joshua says, shutting me up completely.
What the fuck?
I was not happy and Judith was taken aback. I avoided looking at them, I was mad as hell. I wanted to answer back but I knew I was living at their place and he was my dad's oldest friend. But I am going to call my dad first thing in the morning and call this thing off.
"Joseph, what do you think of this situation? Let's take an outside opinion on this." Mr. McKinnon asked, he probably saw how angry he made me, and was trying to 'make the situation better'.
"Umm I don't think people should do things they don't want to do. We have plenty help around the house. Honestly, after work she would just want to rest." He says as he tells Mr. McKinnon, carefully choosing his words as not to offend him.
"Yes but don't you think a woman-"
"No, I don't." Joseph cuts him off curtly, but refused to give any further explanation. His voice was soft and low but still impactful. He completely closed the discussion as no one spoke after that.
As soon as dinner was over, Judith went out to explore a bar, which recently opened while I walked back to my room. Joshua tried talking to me but I was in no mood. As I changed into my night dress, I realized Joseph didn't look at me once during dinner.
What is his problem?
I looked at the time and it was 1 am. Everyone must be asleep now, which includes Joseph. I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow. Judith probably went home with some guy and I shouldn't wait up for her.
I slipped into my bed but kept tossing and turning. Joseph's face kept popping in my head. We had such a great conversation at his office and then, at lunch.
What changed? I can't stand the fact that Joseph might be mad at me. It was troubling me.
Ah what the hell?
I marched out of my room to the adjacent room and knocked continuously. The door opened in mid knock and I took in the sight in front of me.
He was wearing a wife beater, making his biceps visible for my eyes to feast on, his hair was disheveled as he rubbed his eyes. I felt my throat go dry. All my confidence was knocked out of me, I had no idea what to say.
I just entered his room without a word, closed the door behind me and looked around. There were files and papers on his desk, neatly organized. I looked over at his bed which suggested that I woke him up.
Good solve genius.
"Joseph, why are you ignoring me?" I turn around to face him, trying my best to avoid looking at his biceps.
"I am n-not." He stutters as he tries to understand what is happening.
"No don't you act all cute and nervous with me. I need an answer now." I say as I take a step forward to look more intimidating, making him look down at me.
"Mary, I just think it's better if you spend more time with Joshua than me."
"No no. that doesn't mean you can straight up ignore me." I argue, making him purse his lips before bending his head down.
"You are right. I am sorry. But I really don't think talking to each other is a good idea. Now can you leave?" He groans but his eyes widen when he realizes the words that just came out of his mouth, and I just look at him surprised and hurt.
Never did I imagine Joseph saying something so rude. It was probably clear from my face that he hurt my feelings.
"Mary I am sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No you are right! I am leaving. Wouldn't want to burden you with my presence." I enunciate every word as I head towards the door. I feel his hand wrap around my arm as he pulls me back.
I gasp loudly as my body flushes against his and my palms laid flat against his hard chest for support. My breathing elevated as I felt his hands slide down for my arms to my waist. I gulped, looking up at him in his eyes.
"I didn't mean that. I just think that-"
"No, Joseph. You did and I know it. I really want to leave! Let me go. I don't want to force you to be around me." I say rudely before pushing against his hard chest but that just made his grip around my waist tighten.
I struggle against him for a minute but I stop when I realize that he was gently backing me up against the wall. My body freezes as I try to understand what happened to the sweet and shy guy in front of me.
My back touches the wall as my nose fills up with his delicious manly scent, there was no space between us. I felt his hand creeping inside my top, tracing my stomach as goosebumps rose all over my body at his touch.
Breathe. I remind myself.
But Joseph is touching you!!!
My conscience screams.
"Joseph, what are you-" I say as I look up at him but he pushes his hard body further into mine, making me gasp loudly as sparkles shot right in my core.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, Mary. I just can't stop-"
"Well, you did anyways and I don't want to see your face again." I say breathlessly as I groan, trying to push his muscular body away from mine while I could almost hear my core throbbing desperately. My hands find his big ones as I try to remove them, but in vain.
"You are-" before I could complete my sentence, all air is pushed out of my lungs as he claims my lips without a warning. He kisses me with fury as his hands crept up to my breasts. I could feel shivers run throughout my body as I tried to process the pleasure my body was feeling.
I couldn't open my eyes for a few seconds, still trying to process his lip on mine as cold air hit me. I looked up to see Joseph running his hand through his hair and shaking his head, "I am so sorry Mary, I really don't know what came over-" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down kissing him again.
My hands roam around his chiseled body as I kiss him. He was frozen for a second but soon, groped my waist before devouring my lips like an animal. Our hips moved in rhythm as I felt his hardness grinding into my mound, making me see through space and time.
I heard him groan as his lips shifted to my jaw, neck and slowly to my chest, while his thrusts got faster and harder. My nails dug into his shoulder blades as I cried softly, I could almost hear my clit pulsating, begging for more.
"Oh god!" I moaned loudly as he sucked on my neck harshly before laying down soft kisses. My eyes rolled to the back of my head while his hands slithered their way down and groped my ass before pulling me into his body.
But suddenly, we both froze as we heard footsteps in the hall.
Oh shit.

Hello All You Beautiful People,
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Please check out The Billionaire Brothers Series.
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I love you guys!!

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