Maisey, 2009

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 May 24th, 2009. Angel Fire, New Mexico

I called everyone back behind me when I saw that they were going to get swarmed with too many people. I would need to finish this fight. I'm okay with that. Their army stood paralyzied while people dragged the wounded back to town. My army formed into their cohorts as best as they could behind me. I wouldn't be needing them though.

I looked out as the army started charging towards me again. I slowly walked towards them staring, anger reflected in my eyes. I raised my hand and I could feel the temperature drop just as quickly. The first twenty people hit the ground, front forming on whatever skin still showed from frostbite. More came to take their place until I dropped my hand. Somehow they had created enough heat to survive throughout their ranks, growing more unprecedented anger I screamed and let ice fly forward impaling the first line of men and women. I was surrounded by the blinding light from the sheer force it took to maintain aim. I lost all feeling as I let anger take over. I could feel myself struggling to control the rage but instead of letting it bother me, I used that feeling as fuel.

Liam left you. Kate left you. Taylor and Cal abandoned you. Your family didn't want you. You can not be loved. You are a monster. Everyone will leave you. No. Liam found you. Kate protected you. Taylor and Cal never gave up on you. Your father watched over you. You are loved. Kate loves you. Your family accepts you. You may be a monster but they don't care.

I felt my energy in my body draining fast. I didn't care though, at this moment I wouldn't stop fighting until they were all dead. I will protect them. I don't know where the sudden rage came from but I let it add to the anger that was already constant inside. I knew that the rest of my energy was leaving my body as I started to slow down with the offensive attack, there were only about fifty people left. That's still so many left.

They kept getting closer so I stopped firing at them. Let them come to me. I let the snow melt and the temperature rise. I staggered forward slipping on the wet grass. I could hear people yelling at me from behind but I didn't pay them any attention. I waited until they surrounded me, they had given up on the rest of the army and they were after me now. Remember control, feel the power... control the power. When they got within fifteen meters of me I raised both hands to the sky. I didn't know if this would work, I didn't know if I could survive this. I almost didn't last time.

I felt the ground around me and I closed my eyes. I felt my body undergo the change as the ground started to shake. I felt the ice as it moved from the ground. Ice spears formed, blocking me in with the rest of Sylvia's army. I felt different, better somehow. I could see the fear on the faces of these people but that didn't stop them from trying to attack. A storm surrounded me, ice and snow raged until a blizzard formed. The ground turned white and was covered in ice and snow, they started to slip. All the sound around me was drowned out by the rage that I felt. How dare they threaten my family? What did I do to her to make her want to ruin my life? Why me? WHY?

The blizzard didn't stop as they started to fall. Ice formed on their skin and I could feel it on mine. Ice ripped through their skin as it formed on the insides of their bodies from how cold it was. I could feel every movement the ice and snow made and I didn't want it to stop. I ignored their screams of agony and pain and continued to let the storm brew until the once white ground was stained red.

My anger subsided and I looked down at my reflection in the ice. I was pale enough to blend in with the snow and my hair was completely white. My eyes were almost glowing blue and white and blood was running down my face everywhere. It was running down from my nose and my ears onto my shirt. I faced the dead bodies that were torn apart on the ground. I did this? You are a monster. They were right.

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